
Dont you think it is time Rush Limbaughs birthday was declared a national holiday.?

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He is a national treasure and one of the few sources of truth left on the airwaves. He is the most successful radio personality in his venue and is paid millions and worth every penny. What do you think.




  1. sounds funny,but sooner or later rush will get the recognition he deserves

  2. Yes, I agree with you completely.

  3. No; he's a media conservative at best. Who knows if he even believes what he says.

  4. I was usually about 50/50 with what I agreed with him on. The incidents with Chelsea Clinton, Michael J Fox and the hypocricy of his abuse of perscription meds kinda turned me off the guy.

  5. i think it is time he crawled back into hole he came out of

  6. Rush and Cindy McCain have the ame Vicoden dealer!

  7. At times he is very good, but sometimes he is just gross.  He needs to be more balanced.

  8. "Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot" - Al Franken

    Limbaugh spreads Hitler-esque hatred, bias, bigotry, and political prejudice. He has brainwashed millions of his 'ditto heads' into believing his tripe as 'gospel'. He spoon-feeds them his political Pabulum without regard for truth, accuracy, balance, objectivity, fairness or courtesy.

    Limbaugh's birth need not be celebrated: instead, he should slither back under the rock from which he crawled out.    -RKO-  08/22/08

  9. Do we get free cake?

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