
Dont you think that its odd that the same people who..?

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whine and knash their teeth about how many houses John McCain owns(but who didnt say a word about how many Frankenkerry owned in 2004) are the same ones who(again) whine and knash their teeth when the McCain Camp unveils something unsavory or underhanded about The Obama or The Wife?




  1. when I saw this question I called my wife to look...I told her that some dem would start attacking before too long...before i could post my answer it has started....attacking McCain's marriage instead of answering the question...I love no.its not odd that a bunch of no nothings with no plan of their own should attack the others plan....dems in congress have been doing it for 45 years

  2. well,they better get used to it because Oreilly and Fox news have a 12 part special on The Obama starting Sept 12 that will open the book on all his criminal and unsavory past acts...hes  toast and the dems need to get another one up on the ballot real quick....(edit) i see the typical liberal attack posture has started ...attacking McCain about his happens every time

  3. No

    But I do find it amazing that the people that were so against Clinton for being an adulterer are all for McCain who was banging his mistress for three years then left the wife that stood faithfully behind him during the POW years because she developed n unsightly limp after a car accident !!

    Will Cindy McCain be the first First Lady who stole a married man away from his wife if McCain is elected?

  4. not odd...just typical democrat underhanded politics....

  5. no..not really...a liberal HAS to have something to whine about..they just are very selective about WHAT they are mad about today...its like the National Org of Women had to endorse Bill Clinton even though he was the antithesis of what they stand for...but being liberals they did it anyway.

  6. a democrat campaigns that way...lies,steal,cheat,make untrue accusations then yelp and holler when its done to them....just look at the Klintons.."a vast right-wing conspiracy"...yeah...right

  7. No, I think it's a valid commentary. When a candidate tries to position himself as a regular guy - this should be expected. Not many regular guys are multimillionaires. Kerry never disavowed his income level.

    Women's groups look at a candidates policy decisions in how they affect womens issues and rights - not in the candidates personal life, which is no ones business. If they did - McCain would have some problems there as he is an adulterer.

    Calling names in a political debate is a bit childish however - Frankenkerry ? How old are you?

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