
Dont you think the USA should turn each state into a country instead of being one large country??

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I think the USA would work much better this way, since it would be easier to control and focus attention on all the different areas, after all it is a huge piece of land!! What do you think?




  1. Read Article Two of the Articles of Confederation, then read the Constitution and look for anything that changes that, paying particular attention to the Ninth Amendment indicating that if you don't see it, it isn't so.

    If you need further proof, look at the closing paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, and to whom the Treaty of Paris is directed.

  2. The United States was not meant to be a single entity, but a group of individual soverign governments united for one purpose. The concept of states rights as understood by the signatories has been violated and overturned starting with the Civil War, or more correctly the War between the States. States have the constitutional right to secede, as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence, however the sad fact is that with the unconstitutinal power the feds have abrogated to themselves,if that right was defeated in 1860, what chance has secession today?

    The Soviet Union broke up, and the individual states now are warring with one another. We could expect the same thing if we divided into 50 countries.

    If we could form an alliance of regional soverign governments, with a federal court, akin to the World Court,made up of representatives from each region  to settle grievances as I think the original intent was, I would be for that.

  3. 650,000 Americans died in the War to keep this country intact as a Unified Country "These United States" So I so NO.

  4. California should certainly be a country on it's own.  

  5. We would turn into colonies of Mexico, China, Britain, Canada and New York.

  6. That would be the end of the "United States" which defeats the purpose of creating this country.

  7. United we stand, divided we fall.

  8. Believe it or not that is how the U.S. Constitution was originally intended, at least in in principle. Not to have each State as a "country", but that each State would have any sovereign powers not specifically granted to the Federal government. (And the Constitution is *very* specific.)

    That intention has been pretty much been ignored since the Civil War.

    Here is a quote from Thomas Jefferson, who had a good idea what the founders intended, since he was one of them:

    "The capital and leading object of the Constitution was to leave with the States all authorities which respected their own citizens only and to transfer to the United States those which respected citizens of foreign or other States; to make us several as to ourselves, but one as to all others." — Thomas Jefferson

    If that principle had been upheld throughout our history, the States would in fact much more resemble sovereign nations than the agents of the federal government that they are becoming today.

  9. i don't think there is any reason to do that.

  10. You'd start with 50, then alliances and mergers would start grouping them into confederacies based on political and economic themes and we'd end up with 3 or 4 powerful unions and a handful of independent holdouts.  Canada would be an attractive alliance target for some, who knows where Hawaii goes and Puerto Rico and the territories get shopped around.

    Ultimately there would be a Balkanization with potential for something resembling our Civil War but much messier, and that was messy indeed.

    I think we're much better off as we are, despite the faults.  To paraphase, a democratic republic is a terrible system, except compared to everything else.  

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