
Dont you think there is a positive side in the sudden hike in oil prices?

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because now suddenly there is a frantic search for comming out with an alternative fuel. In India the automobile giant Tata is planning to bring out a car that will run on compressed air.Hydrogen gars are becomming more feasible and electric and hybrids already out.Now the guys hoarding oil will have a tough time selling it once there are alternatives! what do you think?




  1. Don't know how old you are... But..

                Welcome to    2008..  

      Just read a couple of the other answers..... Hoarding oil???

        This country alone burns 10,000 (Ten Thousand) gallons of gasoline a Second..   Oil

  2. A number of the large auto makers have pushed forward plans for alternate vehicles like the volt.

  3. No, I don't. What's good about paying an exorbitantly high price for something that isn't that scarce?  It's creating hardship for people all over the world, not just Americans.  In fact, fuel in the States is much more inexpensive than places like Europe where it's often double the price, or more (although that's largely due to the taxes they impose).  

    There can be a solution to this.  Although, it will take some time, drilling domestically seems to be the most viable solution.  Despite what the fear-mongering environmentalist radicals would like you to believe, there is actually a lot of oil that hasn't been tapped in the American west, Alaska, and off the coast.  If we drill here, and keep it all here, we could reduce the blow of high fuel prices.  Not to mention, we should be talking with Canada and Mexico more than Saudi Arabia to ask about producing a higher output since we import the majority of our oil from them already.

    Perhaps alternatives should be explored now for later down the road, but for now, we have the oil, we have the infrastructure, we just need to get at it.  

    Dana pretty much sums up the radical-environmentalists cause.  Punish those who have wealth that are able to afford a better life for themselves because it doesn't mesh with his transparent socialist agenda.

  4. positives for the sudden rise in oil prices? you mean things like;

    higher food prices

    higher transportation costs

    truckers that haul the things we need leaving the business because they cant afford the fuel, and thus stuff doesnt get where it needs to go?

    how about higher prices on everything in general?

    you mean those positives?

    all of the stuff you have mentioned has been in the works for years, some even for decades. the problem with alternative fuels is that there is no infrastructure to support alternative fueled vehicles, and because of that the people are not buying the alternative fueled vehicles, so the automakers are not making the alternative fueled vehicles.

  5. i think it does. we will be forced to use alternitive energies. i think we like to use the things that are easiet, we tend to be lazy.

    as long as we have a fuel source for the new cars that is easily accessible, i think we have a chance at starting to beat our dependence on oil. we also need to find a suitable fuel source to use for heat. up north we need to heat our homes for at least 6 months. many people are switching back to wood but the price to have it delivered is making it hard to buy as well. we need to teach people to better insulate their homes.

  6. the only thing positive is the fat rich oil tycoons get richer and fatter haha i personaly hate them but its up to you if you think its right that the poor suffer while they live it up without a care

  7. I think it's great.  Americans are finally starting to buy fuel efficient cars instead of gas-guzzling SUVs.  Electric vehicle technology is advancing rapidly, as well.

    Oil is a finite resource, and one with many negatives (pollution, global warming, most is in the Middle East, etc.).  We need to end our addiction to it, and if it takes high prices to do it, then so be it.

  8. The only positive side to these high freakin oil prices is the introduction of alternative fuels.  Hydrogen is taking more of a forefront in the marketplace.  It costs WAY less and it's more efficient.  You get more miles per gallon and it doesn't void any warranties.  I put a conversion kit on my 96 Saturn and get almost 50 mpg now.  Excuse my language but **** gas prices.  I wrote a review on my blog about which conversion kits are worth the money.

    It's very simple. You don't change your engine or computer. A quart-size (95O cc) container is placed somewhere under the hood. You fill it with DISTILLED WATER and a little bit of BAKING SODA. The device gets vacuum and electricity (12 Volts) from the engine, and produces HHO gas (Hydrogen+Oxygen). The HHO gas is supplied to the engine's intake manifold or carburetor as shown below.

    Hope this helps.


  9. I think there won't be any difference. When it was found in abundance, it was used mercilessly, an when it is less, the prices rise, it won't be used so much.

    I suggest this to all in this category, and all who are reading this answer -

  10. I bought millions and millions of barrels of oil when they cost $60--$100 a barrel. I expect to make a kill when I sell. But right now it’s only over $140 a barrel. So here is my difficulty :

    I have requested my agents spin the media, like: “Oil future looks high, expecting to be in the range of $200 a barrel soon”   But it does not work price up fast enough.

    I have paid the mainstream media, the Think Tanks,  and the major PR talking heads,  to spin China and India (supply and demand) responsible for price hike, to deflect American public anger. But that does not go far enough.

    Right now, I am extremely nervous and worried. I urgently need a prey to buy those “paper barrels” on my hording. So I can profit.  But where can I find my prey ?  


    Airline industry has requested and demanded Congress stop oil speculation. I have my lobby on Capitol Hill work the Senators and Congressmen around the clock. But I do not how long they can hold.

    Airlines urge Congress to curb oil speculation

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