
Dont you think we can just live off nature?

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this is just an example like he gave us things we need like a rooster is are alarm clock

can anygive other examples?




  1. Sure if we just all ate berries and dance around the bonfire

    people would grow closer and cows could roam free

  2. Jessie B

    Let me start off by saying we (my family and I) live completely, 100% “off of the grid and are completely self sufficient”

    The house is built utilizing natures natural elements, in the shape of an octagon with 8ft wide arch doors on every wall to catch every angle of wind (typical 4 sided homes have half the chance as one with 8 sides. A circle being the most efficient design). Woodburning stoves, solar chimney, solar AC, solar heating, solar water heating (pool and home), solar stove, solar power, wind power, hydrogen powered back up generator, hydrogen back up water heater, hydrogen stove, 2 hydrogen powered trucks, 1 EV (electric vehicle) and satellite internet.

    We also built many green small cabins on the ranch that we offer to family, friends and our on-site off-grid workshop guests, including one straw bale, one papercrete, earth bag and adobe, one cob and cordwood, one underground and rammed earth, one log and post and beam and one rock. Each one actually started as a test for what the main house would be and were later finished and turned into guest cabins. I later wrote a guide on how to build with alternative materials using alternative methods for next to nothing.

    We raise meat and milk goats, chickens for meat and eggs, ducks for meat and eggs, trap havilina (wild boar pig), rabbit, quail. brew our own beer from home grown products, preserve our fruits, vegetables, etc. smoke and jerky the meat, make our own soap, cheese.

    There are no utility lines, no water lines, no roads, tv, cell service, etc. on our ranch. EVERYTHING needed is produced here. All electricity comes from 27 solar panels, 2 main wind gens and a back hydrogen generator if needed (typically we can last 9 days with all luxuries of sunless windless weather, hasn't happened yet). Water is caught and storaged from the rain. Hot water is made with solar batch water heaters with an on-demand hydrogen hot water heater as backup. Even our vehicles use alternative energy (2 hydrogen trucks, 1 EV electric vehicle converted). Because of this we have no bills, no debt and no mortgage.

    Anyone interested can check it out at..

    agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Retired Boeing Engineer now living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  3. It would not be possible for today's humans to live off nature there are way to Many people and if we did not have the Agra companies that we all love to hate most of the humans on the planet would die. It would be afield day for the vultures and and animal or insect that would eat meat would. Those populations could grow to become a threat to the rest of the humans that lived. Yes we could live off nature but not like we do now.

  4. leaves are the toilet paper

    the sun is our light

  5. in present times, i think not.

  6. If I lived in Tahiti......maybe. If I lived where I do now in up-state Naw Yawk.....Not so easy....Gotta kill deer,rabbit,beaver and muskrat. Skin 'em. Then dry the meat for food . All that being no easy task. Tan the hides while keeping the hairs on the pelts . Plus make leather for pants , shirt and moccasins. All this while trying to build shelter. You shure about this ? It is an easy way to die.....especially if it happens to be Winter ..... . I'd say , stick to the Malls and Super Markets , buy wisely , Very few of the "we" you mention , would last a week if they had to go 'Survival off the wild' mode. Nature does NOT surrender survival easily.....

  7. Not everyone, only a few. Most people have become FAR too reliant on petty conveniences and technology now. I've seen people flip out because they weren't allowed to use their cell phone for 8 hours at work. There's no way people like that could survive out in the rough

    A few could though. specifically the dreaded "greenie environmentalists" That everyone hates for some odd reason. Naturalists know how to survive and build and use ingenuity.

    Here's the kicker though, most of the people that would prefer to live off the land, would have to go back to hunting animals to survive

  8. I think that if it was a law or something... people COULD survive, but there will always be the people who don't want to go along with the crowd... I simply think that, looking at history, thinks change, and, overall, people kind of like change. I guess... but again, there will always be the people who don't want to go along with the crowd. Period.


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