
Dont you wish that our cars were made with the saftey gear used in NASCAR these days?

by  |  earlier

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if we got into a 10 car pileup nobody would walk away safely, but thanks to NASCAR's saftey equipment the drivers can walk away from their totaled car




  1. it would be fantastic!

    too bad it would cost too much to make them...& then it'd take millions to actually buy them.

    only a few people in america would be able to own one.

    but i think it's amazing how safe they can make the cars.

  2. If the major auto manufacturers were really serious about safety, we'd all be driving stock cars.

  3. Just another exspense I would have to pay on my , with gas being so high i couldnt afford to drive, I might as well take my chances with death ,

  4. The Roll Cage would be a mass-production nightmare...

  5. Yeh, i really dig the seats that HMS makes, but the HANS device wouldnt really work in a daily driver situation.

  6. would be cool but if i could afford a million dollar car I would be racing

  7. Aside from the roll cage or better car impact protection, I don't think that all the nascar safety gear is necessary for the speeds and accidents we have now. Nascar COT is basically designed so that a car can sustain a 200 mph impact and have the driver escape with minor injuries. Road cars in the US are basically only tested to allow for a driver to receive minor to moderate injuries during a 50 mph crash. But, how many people actually never drive over 50 mph?

    Better roll cage(impact protection) would probably add a bunch of weight to cars which decreases performance and gas mileage.

    I think that 4 point seat belts would provide better protection but since they would be more annoying to wear I would bet that fewer people would wear seatbelts.

    There is no law that keeps you from adding a roll cage, race seat or upgraded seat belt to any road car. If you feel so inclined, I thought 6 point simpson harnesses cost about $250 from summit racing and seats like in nascar cost about 200.

    I have personally been in 3 major car accidents in my life where a car was totaled and sustained minimal to no injuries in any of them (I was only driving in 2 of them) and increased roll cage type protection is the only nascar safety item that would have helped in any of my accidents. A properly functioning stock seat would helped in another one but the seat mechanism was broken before the one accident and then was broken even more during the accident.

  8. If I had a wish, I would probably wish for the winning numbers for the lottery.

  9. even if there were safer cars there would still be bad drivers.. 1. talkin on the phone..2. not obeying traffic signs or signals..( red light runners)  3. readers..  4. sleepy drivers..5. drunk drivers..

    if there were safer cars there would be idiots driving more stupid be cause of false security

  10. Not really.  I don't plan on doing 180 mph in a Jeep Wrangler anytime soon.   I may take the safety belts though when off roading.

  11. No, I'd rather take my chances without a roll bar cage, a helmet, no fire suit, no visability, etc.  And I can hardly afford my car payment as it is.

  12. their not that safe because dale heart junior dad die in one

  13. they will be instituting some of the safety features

    but $$$$$$$     if the cars are that great they cant sell replacements

  14. yes

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