
Donut Question?

by Guest33995  |  earlier

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Does anyone know why they associate police with donuts? just curious




  1. Back in the 1920's donut shops were open all night, therefore they had a lot of money, so they were one of the most likely places to be robbed, so cops would stay at  donuts shops to watch for robbers. A cop told me that a couple of years ago at school.

  2. That!!! Is a very good question though!!!

  3. They just like donuts? idk!

    that is a good question....

  4. because police are fat and donuts are fattening

  5. donuts have a lot of sugar in them(some people just don't know) it's probably for staying awake on late night work or for just the enjoyment of ultimate donut sweetness


  6. Police officers need food that won't go bad in the patrol car if they get interrupted while eating by a call.

    Donuts fill that need, as do most baked goods.  

    Cold hamburger's just not as much fun.

  7. um have no clue. maybe cause theres police that stay up till morning catching bad guys? haha, no clue, sorry

  8. I heard it's because the officers just need a place to fill out thier paper work so they would hang out at donut shops because you can get a cup of coffee and a few donuts and sit there for hours doing paper work (lol or pretending to do paper work anyways).  So after a while cops kept getting noticed at donut shops and the stigma stayed.

  9. sugar rushes make you awake i guess..........

  10. That's interesting, Gandhi!  I thought it was because the donut people come to work at o-dark-thirty and they were the only place a cop could get something to eat.
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