
Don’t we already have the missing links between apes and humans?

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Aren’t they atheists?




  1. Stop the presses. This is nobel prize material. Took you awhile to come up with this ?

  2. Every time you find a "missing" link, it just introduces two more "missing" links before and after it.  There are probably hundreds of fossils that qualify as Darwin's predicted missing link.  According to "intelligent" design believers, you will never prove it because there will always be gaps in the fossil record.  It is exactly the same distorted logic that claims you can never get anywhere because you could go half way an infinite number of times.

  3. Typical creationist rhetoric.

    How about an answer to  this: Why are there some many foreskins of Christ? Fifteen churches?

  4. WHat is the logic of apes being athesists?

  5. i dont know whether you were kidding about the atheist part or not, but no we dont have the missing link, if we did, then we would understand alot more, and plus then everyone will say where did the apes come from? and what creature, and how did it live? get the point

  6. quite rhetorical, what did you want to really say?  s-p-e-l-l it out!

  7. The missing links have not been found.

    But you are right, every skunk, orangutan and snake are all atheists.

  8. We keep looking for the missing link as Christians keep looking for GOD and Noah's ark. There's nothing wrong with questioning things that is how we have evolved our thinking and have grown into the society we have today. Without thinkers like Einstein, Galileo, Socrates what would our world be like..... Thinking is really what keeps us going.

  9. How many missing links do you want?  There is already homo-Neanderthaliss, homo Habilis, and many other upright walking hominids.  Face it, we evolved from primates and that is why we are part of the primate family.  The sooner people realize that we are part of the animal kingdom, then the sooner people will do more to save this planet from impending human caused environmental doom!

  10. Nope.  Anthropologists keep finding "new" old bodies.  Athiests are just Christians waiting to happen but sometimes they wait too long and die without going to Heaven.  But, they don't care.

    Your question was prejudicial and nasty.  I am a Christian telling you that.  Just saying.

  11. I don't believe that there are any missing links but if I did I would count Hillary Clinton : )

  12. HAHAHA, nah, they are the australopitecines and other Homo species. EG. Homo erectus and Homo Habilis

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