
Don’t you hockey "fans" get SICK of yourself whining???!!!???

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I mean, come on. Players move around, other teams sign them, and they get paid. It is their JOB! It is fine to love a player and feel bummed that he goes elsewhere, but they are getting promotions OR keeping their employment as a hockey player in the NHL.

Why do people feel the NEED to freak out and overreact to the inevitable? Not hugged enough as a child? Dad didn’t throw the ol’ baseball with you? Is there a reason for people to feel SO emotional about players, even if they have never spoken a word to them personally?




  1. Wilson has done nothing wrong yet! Campbell was completely unable to be signed because he wanted to be in the East.

    Pavel Kubina + Bret Hedican = Teal Town is :)

  2. I am lucky.. the WINGS usually dont have much turnover thanks to the mastery of Ken Holland! Usually its 3 to 5 players a year. This year it looks like it could be 2 or 3. And they will have retired, not moved on. I am blessed to follow a great organization, not just the players.

  3. Sometimes it can be funny to listen to, like the local sports radio station has a thing called the whiner line and it is pretty funny to listen to. Anyways, I guess that a lot of people really get attached to the players- listen to them on the radio and their interviews and think that they know them personally. They become obsessed and invest a lot of time and money thinking about and watching them. Then, they begin to think think that the player owes them something in return.

  4. NO, "whining" as you call it, comes with the territory.  I see it this way: if you pay taxes/vote, you get the right to complain about how the goverment runs things.  

    So, if you are a TRUE NHL fan, go to games, buy the hats and t shirts, etc, then the same applies.

    We seem to "complain" more than other sports fans, because the sport is more demanding on the players, and it seems as though they are traded more frequently and easily than any other sport.

  5. "It's my party and I'll whine if I want to" :P

    Why Doug Weight? Much respect for him, but c'mon, there wasn't any younger center available? I can see it now..... Introducing (drum role please, followed by symbol crash)

    The Social Security Line of Weight, Sillinger, and Guerin.  

    The Islanders youth movement is in gear yet again. Just when Garth makes a good move(Streit), we're right back into the p**p chute.

    OK, done whining for now.......

  6. careful Homes, you're starting to sound all grown up.

    what happened to the care free person who has graced this forum.

    you know i'm kidding. it's nice to do a reality / perspective check.

    you just take the more direct approach.

    ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for one of the most popular and balanced users in the forum. and a loyal fan.

    (sheesh, although Homes, i hate to break it to you, but you're gonna have quite the fight on your hands, reigning in all those loose bandwagon fans that you and TBL suddenly have. but if anyone can do it, you can.)

    i'll be busy w/ these 3 month old wings fans who haven't learned anything over the last 13 years, when we DIDN'T win it those other 9 times. yes, we're spoiled.

    i'll toast a Moosehead lager to you! here's to the mullet.

    add - yeah, it's kinda like sharks w/ a feeding frenzy of information to chum the Hockey forum waters. every sounds off about the slightest move that their team makes. it's called the "off season" and "free agency". it's what keeps parity within the NHL. beautiful thing.

    add 2 - Homes, remember to hold that pinky up.

    trombass, you're starting to make a trend of explaining all of my sarcasm. i'm honored.

  7. You are always going to have to deal with people b!tching and moaning, who cares.  Thats especially true in sports.  People get so emotionally invested, its not hard to understand that people are going to start whining when things dont go there way.  The internet is a place for people to go and say whatever they want, reguardless of how stupid what they are saying really is.  If someone wants to sit there and cry all over their keyboard, let'em.

  8. It's hard when your favorite player leaves.

    There is no reason for the Pens not signing Ruutu,

    he wanted 3 years, Ray Shero says no he is 33...


    Does Shero know how old Chelios is?

    Im not complaining, I just don't like our GM right now, he has done nothing good, besides signing Orpik.

    I really don't understand why he didn't sign Ruutu!

  9. I only know the Flames personally if they are winning.  Otherwise, I've never seen them before in my life.

  10. Whoa...I'll drink to that.

  11. Real fans don't cry!!!

    We take all the adversity like a fan. Every move is destined to improve my team. My four favourite Leafs are gone. One to Florida. (I don't think I can ever cheer for the Panthers), One to Colorado. (Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there). One to oblivion ( Please get well Killer). and one to God knows where.

    But through all this we are improving. At least this year we can give the Fickle Finger of Fate award to unbelievers.

    Way to go Hales give it to that misfit from nowheresville. Selective memory is very good. Maybe our friend from Hoosierville (anywhere near Hooterville?) can explain where his Red Wings were between 1968 and 1983 when they finished out of the playoffs 15 times in 17 years. Didn't start winning until they hired a Toronto drafted player and a Toronto born hockey wizard.

  12. I don't get mad at the players. Usually it's ownership

    Take last yr wmy Sabres. We made a pitiful attempt to negotiate w/Briere and Drury during the season

    We keyed in on Drury going innto July 1st (I was fine w/that) but had no plan for signing Briere just in case

    Darcy put it out there we would match any offer for Vanek forcing Edmonton to put his price to the roof and Darcy ahd no choice but to match or else be lynched by the fans

    We made a weak attempt to bring back Zubrus though NJ overpaid for him

    They didn't bring in anyone to offset the losses. You lose those 3 and think rookies in Rochester  can offset it?

    It's management I get mad at. If you want to argue that hit me w/your best shot

    LOL Jay. The whiner line on WGR is hilarious. Actually I just called in to WGR today. The "Sign Paul Mara take"

  13. I know what you mean. It's like those people I know that get mad when the traffic is heavy during rush hour, or when it rains.

    Meanwhile, in Philly.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  14. This is the first time in a while I have not complained about my Devils. Maybe it's cause Dad and I played catch and then he hugged me.....LOL!!!

    I think it is because we get attached to a player as opposed to looking at what our team needs to make them a winner. Plus there is nothing more of a kick in the teeth then a player you gave up shinning on a rival. It's all trivial , but as they always say there is no "I" in team...just  a "ME" & and Me is happy with our deals this summer.

  15. Congrats to all the dumb-as$ homers! You just pissed off Hales! A feat that is equal to making Erica mad!

  16. The last couple of days, I've answered a handful of Pens-related questions about the team "losing" players... and I don't even know why I really bother. I don't think many of these "fans" would actually confront Pens GM Ray Shero if they saw him in person. If he was out with his family at the Olive Garden, I don't think many of them would have the gall to say the things they can type about him on the Internet... And if they did have the gall, shame on them for being so uncouth!

    Sometimes I'm astounded by the kind of comments people make without bothering to know all the information and the comments people make before more information is even available. Not knowing the whole story, whether they're angry/upset with a GM or a player, I don't think anyone should be saying "so-and-so didn't try hard enough to keep this player" because who really knows what has gone on or has been said. Perhaps the player wanted to stay but the team let him go or perhaps the GM tried to get the player to stay and the player wanted to go. THE NHL IS A BUSINESS. For the teams and the players, it's nothing personal.

    ...It felt good to rant a little! Thanks Haley. :b

  17. I'm not whining. The Ducks just unloaded lots of $$,  got Scotty to make up his mind,re-signed Perry and are looking good.

    The only thing [Ducks] need to get is more O. If not Teemu, somebody else needs to be signed.

  18. Lmao! I know EXACTLY what you mean. But, hey, I'm fine right now - that's due to the fact that I know my team won't be any worse next year so I'm just happy about that.

  19. Whose whining??  Sharks SHOULD'VE had Campbell!!!  i hate him, he's on the blackhawks now!  As a matter of fact, Sharks should've signed Hossa.......or Redden or Avery!  Heck, we should've had Rolston!  I think Sundin should've been signed by SJ as well.  Oh wait...he's still available.  Why the h**l haven't we signed Sundin yet?  wtf!?!?!  We should've won game 6!  I hate free agency!  I hate y/a hockey!  I hate all of you!  Who wants to drop the mutha puckin gloves?!

  20. Well I'm not one of those "fans" since I am a real fan!!!

    I'm just mad since my Coyotes are being too conservative and need to be aggressive some!!!

    The Defense needs improving NOW!!!!

  21. welll..... welllll.... maybe whining is the way i cope! ::huff::

    lol nono, kidding. I'm just upset that most of the key players are leaving the pens.

  22. I don't feel too much of an attachment with a player until they do something cool, like Cleary getting a penalty shot goal while killing a penalty.

    Homes: Thanks for handing us the Cup again.

    you: Actually, holding the pinky up shows a lack of class.

  23. Homes it is how some people define themselves as a "fan". Some of us are used to it. I myself have been traded to a different team during a house league season. It happens. Let them get it out of their systems. Let them whine. They will feel better about it later.

  24. The leafs haven't made me whine a lot . So i guess you haven't seen a lot of whining from me yet... but when Sundin leaves it will make up for it all. jks jks

    I'l be able to handle it! ( hopefully)

  25. So when you get a job or get a raise of some kind you don`t rant and rave. I think you do why don`t you stop putting people down on what they do. Its a free world to like what you want. Whats next putting down the higher power over this world.

  26. I don't care about where my favourite players, I care about my favourite TEAM

  27. I honestly think I have anger management. So anytime something doesn't happen right during free agency I explode........that's why no one has been around me

    Ah, really.......I maye over react for a second or two. (I did get really pissed off with Hossa) but I move on quickly. I really don't even mean half of the stuff I say when I rant........

    I've actually been pretty calm this off season. The only time I have truly whined was when Hossa left for Detroit, but that was because he pretty much told us we sucked and couldn't win the cup. But I'm all better now. =b

  28. TDK LOL!  Rolston should of stayed with the Mn Wild.  We've lost 5 players already! Maybe 6 soon with Demitra.

  29. I don't know why people feel attached to players.  I guess it's because they've seen the player give their team success, or seen the player's career grow on their team.  No idea.  

    I was pretty pissed when Gomez left the Devils to go to the Rangers.  Not because of emotional attachment - though he was one of my favorite players - but because he left the team he was drafted by, won two Stanley Cups with, and played for his entire career for their ultimate rival!!  ARG!

    And I was upset when Niedermayer left the Devils.  Won three Cups with us, been on the team his entire career, was drafted by us, and was our best defenseman (with Stevens gone).  That sucked.

    I have no idea why people like, CRY over this stuff or whine.  Get upset, ok that's normal...pout and get depressed for need therapy.

  30. Ok...what I miss?? I thought Holmes was in rehab out in California??

  31. You're right homes...I'm sick of all these Penguins fans crying that they're losing players...We all knew the team would blow up last season, right after that ridiculous Hossa trade..they gave up two effective, cap-friendly players, a prospect and a first rounder - for what turns out to be nothing...Well, they have three good young centres - maybe one can play the wing...Welcome to salary cap era Pittsburgh, we here in Ottawa learnt about it in 2005 - Good luck - we'll say hi to Ruutu for you...

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