
Dooes anybody know what's the name of this animated film?

by Guest32195  |  earlier

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I think this movie was "Snow White" but it was a darker version!

The main bad guy who i think was a vampire and he could fly and do magic. He wanted to kidnap the girl who was the lead character in the movie.

There was also another character, he was something like a hero prince. The main bad guy turned this prince guy into someone else. After the prince was turned he had old clothes and I think you couldn't see his face, you could only see his eyes and he had a stick with him and he couldn't speak.

At the end he was fighting against the main bad guy on a rooftop or something. The bad guy was shooting the prince with some kind of magic laser or something. He was shooting in prince's eyes and then at the same time he also lifted him up.

I'm not 100% sure if this was "Snow White" but this movie was on the same VHS tape where I had the real "Snow White" cartoon movie with colours.

I watched this movie somewhere in the year of 1996 or 1997, but I'm sure that the movie is a bit older than that.




  1. It was called "Happily Ever After", and it was made in the early 90s. I don't think the bad guy was actually a vampire, but he was a sorcerer of sorts. He could turn into a bat.

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