
Doomed to love a Jack A**??

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So my ex and i dated for 4 months... i kno it doesn't seem like much but its sadly my longest.... I'm not one to date a lot.. so when i date a guy, I'm pretty serious about them. I'm a christian, so i believe that dating should be about finding the right person and when I found Scott, I thought he was it. He was a freshman and i was a junior. I was his first kiss and supposedly his first love and I have never had feelings as strong as the ones i do for him.. We used to hang out and talk as much as possible which wasn't very much because his parents are strict. He was a GREAT guy. he was so sweet and kind and AMAZING! he plays the drums and bass in his churches worship band and his dad is a pastor. His mom is SO nice and his sister is a really close friend of mine. everything was going perfect until summer came. He went to church camp and I went to Drum major camp and he got onto me for talking to guys as friends even tho he said he flirted with tons of girls. He would hang out with me with other ppl and act like i didn't exist, and then hang out with me alone and act like I was the only person he wanted in his life. He would make me so upset sometimes because of the way that his mood would change. Will he love me today or act like I'm invisible? So I went with my mom on a girl trip to san fran to clear my mind a bit... but then he called and dumped me while I was there.. it was terrible. So when I got back to school I see him every day in band and he treats me like scum but when i think back at all of the fun we had, I can;t help it but still be in love with him..... it's horrible.... I'm so depressed these days.. im even on medication for it but it doesn't help.. i don't know what to do..... i hate him becuase he's such a jerk but I love him and idk if Ill ever be able to get rid of these feelings..... Its been a few months since we broke up but the pain seems worse than before.... what should I do?? am i doomed to love a ...well... donkey..?

sorry it's so long... but bare with me i really could use some advice... please and thank you :)




  1. I am sorry about what happen to you, I am a guy I use to love someone more than my life I did a lot of things for her and the same things happend to me also I use to tell her not to flirt and talk like not to be their friend I mean she was talking and acting and sending the kind of mail to their friends which you can feel it morethan friend so that is why it make us seprete.

    you know when a guy loves a girl they just give everything for her and expect the same from them but girls will never change the way they behalf to their friend even after marriage which leads to sepration and the distance is the enemy of relation which all the time creates problem.

    so that now happen so you try not to talk with him and don't go where you both used to go and don't think about him, never be alone which makes you to remember the pasts try to forget him, always remember things of him which leads you to forget him and hate about it.

    cheers hope it helped

  2. i'm sorry to hear that he did that to you. there are some goood guys out there with good intentions but you really don't need to put up with all of that. he kind of reminded me of my ex when i read this. all i can say is that it's better to move will be hard because you said you love him a lot but it will be for the better. don't OD yourself..there are tons of other things you can do to keep your mind off of it..seriously...i have a few friends that are going through the same situation and they ended up in the ER. anyways, keep your head up things will be better :)

  3. You need to start loving yourself more, I mean seriously how can you let someone that dumps you by the phone (what a son of a donkey!) put you in this condition. Actually.... no.... he hasn't lifted a finger, YOU are the one that is putting yourself in this condition, realize it and realize how stupid it is and seriously start loving yourself more and leaving what doesn't matter behind...... if someone that used a phone call to dump you STILL matters to you, then you need to gain more self-worth and self-respect and self-esteem. I know this can't be easy, but such a person is not worthy of your troubles. And who cares how he treats you, what the h**l are you doing talking to someone that dumped you by the phone WAKE UP geez!!!! obviously the only thing that does is worsen the way you feel so realize that you don't need this guy, I mean do you want someone that treats you like c**p? that doesn't make sense....... and you are not doomed to anything, you decide what comes next.

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