
Doomsday 2012?

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iv read up an seen specials about this praticular day. its on my birthday and that be the worst present of all time to redive an extinction an mass destruction on earth. i dont think the hole world will end just many lives will be lost. give me your opinion of what will happen plezz




  1. it is only agreed that SOMETHING will happen on that date...they range from a change in the cosmic calendar to End of Time...

  2. Nothing . . . seriously nothing will happen . . . maybe the Aztec's just got tired of making calendars . . .

  3. People since the dawn of time have had it in their heads that the world is doomed to destruction on a certain day/year 2012 is just the latest date beign touted by fearmongers everywhere.

    I'm 40 years old and have seen many a doomsday predicted and then pass. Personally, I'm not too worried.

    But, I do prepare.

  4. Charity G's comment made me laugh...

    but yeah 2012 they had no more space on their calendar and so it ends.. people can make out anything from nothing.

    there are religious sects out there who says the world will end tomorrow... and they say that every single day...

  5. Those who believe nothing will happen are naive. Many different religions as well as the Mayans have predicted it will be the end of the world as we know it. Scientifically, it has been shown on the History Channel that there is a black hole in the Milky Way, and it has an inedible black hole that planets are already aligning too. Many different walks of life and religions feel this is when the end of the world may come and is spoken of in the Bible. Some will "blow it off" as they care not to be worried about such, or have belief in anything greater than "self". I'd suggest to be 'right with God' and read His Word.

  6. Well, let's look at it logically.

    If the doomsday predictors are right, there's nothing we can do about it.  We lose nothing by living our lives as if it won't happen.  If we all die we all die.  If it doesn't happen, we haven't screwed anything up.

    If I were you, I'd plan a big birthday / doomsday party and have one heck of a blow out!

  7. Where does the idea of doomsday in 2012 come from; if this is based on a religion, then it would be difficult to comment on another's religion--if not completely wrong--so I won't try.

    On another note;

    It is clear that the Mayan calendar has a special date in the year 2012; that may prove to require further interpretation by persons who are familiar with the concepts, and language in order to understand why the calendar ended there.

    Their numerical system is quite advanced and allows for the presentation of numerals in complex designs.

    I have read some of their history--much of it may require more specific interpration other than a history book.

  8. Remember Y2K 01-01-2000 the world went on going as it will past 2012, don’t worry fear of the world ending just keeps coming back in different ways.

  9. I have also watched many episodes on the History Channel about this alleged "DoomsDay". Honestly, it is one of the scariest things I have ever watched. However, I do not believe the world will come to an end just because the Mayan Calendar, and other sources point to world destruction. But we will never know until the day comes. My best advice is to live every day to the fullest. Make yourself happy. Because if the world is going to end, there is not much we can do about it. Don't worry. I have a feeling we will al be fine!

  10. Do not worry.  Do not be scared.  I assure you that the world will not end on 2012 December 21 but it will end one day.  Nostradamus’ prediction of when the earth will end is far into the future, past about 3700.  He still has many prophecies that are not fulfilled yet.  Remember that if there is a beginning, there is an end.  

    The Mayan’s Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jose Arguelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 2012 December 21 (Wikipedia).  It will be the end of a Mayan calendar cycle to start a new cycle.

    In the book of Revelation, it tells us about a period of a thousand years of peace. Has this occurred already since the time of Jesus? Not yet. That will still come. Those that give predictions of the world’s end, such as 2012 and numerous times during the past, are pseudo-preachers. Have they talked to God directly? If so, give proofs.

    But there is something that is certain—and that is our physical death. This is what we should prepare for. It may come when least expected. We do not know the day and the hour. It will come like a thief in the night. So we just have to be prepared all the time. Search for the true God and when we find Him, follow His commandments and remain in Him until our last dying breath.

    This is all that we have to do. It is faith in the true God that we can take with us when we depart from this world. If we denied Him, He will deny us also before the Father in Heaven and send us to h**l. This is very scary – to live in h**l forever.  If we knew Him and loved Him and followed His commandments, then He may reward us to live with Him eternally in His kingdom in Heaven. This is the survival kit that we should have.

    What is also certain to happen very soon (in about 2012 or earlier) is World War III and this is a nuclear war.  This “calamitous war” (as Nostradamus called it) will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands in particular.  The Spratly Islands lie on the southeast part of the South China Sea mostly near the coast of the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit told us that the Philippines is the wick of a gas lamp.  Once the wick is lit, it will be on and aglow.  He told us about this prophecy about two decades ago.  He said that the troubles in the Philippines will spread to the whole world until mankind is almost annihilated and a few will remain.  Spratly Islands is being claimed wholly by China, Taiwan and Vietnam; and partly by Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines,  It is considered a tinderbox, a flash point.  It is very rich in oil and gas resources, more than the reserve of Kuwait.  The high price of oil may trigger the grabbing of these islands and start the war.

    Four independent prophecies point to the certainty that this will happen.  These are Nostradamus’ prophecies to happen around this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62) , the 56th Chinese prophecy of Tui Bei Tu (the past 55 prophecies have already been fulfilled) found at and Wikipedia, Revelation 9:18 of the Holy Bible, and those that the Holy Spirit revealed to us.  If you are interested in the details about these prophecies, please send me your request via email.

    After the calamitous war, then we will have a new age and peace for a long time.  The population would have been reduced by a third and there will be much arable land that will be available.  People will be living in planned cities and communities.

    Isaiah 35:4 (KJV) states: “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.”
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