
Doomsday/End of the world/Armegeddon?

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Does anyone here in the UK think that they are already upon us? And has anyone thought about how to survive such a mess? This type of talk specially in the pub gets me going! I love these type of conversations lol

Plus if anyone who has a Nikon D40 DSRL camera let me know what they are like? lol Thanks for your answers!




  1. As the clock goes the World is at !2.10  so stop worrying about this nonsense.It has a long long time before any major climate event will take place.In 10 days time we will be lucky to see the stadium in Beigin with all the smog it attracts.But then the US.India,Russia are the worst polluters.Its all about mobey everything is about money.Ask Yahoo they have just refused an handsome offer from google.

  2. I don't think it is, although I do think we are in an arms reach of it. I watched this programme, the other day in geography class. Can't remmeber exactly what it was called, but anyway. It had an ex-us president campaigner (They were not voted too be president) Anyway, he was explaining all about climate change, and honestly, it was the most shocking thing I had ever seen. According too him. Almost a 1/3 of the world will be underwater in 50 years as Greenland would have melted and flooded the world.

    I think we may ave a shocking trip ahead of us. I still (hopefully) have another good 60years in me. So, I may be around too see that happen. =(

  3. The Worlds gonna end and your buying a Camera???

    What you gonna do? Take Pictures as we all turn to dust?


  4. Decode this lyrics " Up to you"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45 46-49

    Look in the real world.

    Decode this lyrics " Stranger in strange land"

    Exodus 19.5

    Look around on what is going own in own backyards.

    Decode this lyrics " Knock three times"

    Matt 22.32

    Who's passing by?

    Luke 21.30-36

    What do you think?

  5. Call me a freak, but one of my hobbies is Bible Prophecy and things seem to be unfolding as foretold in scripture at a much rapid pace.  Expect to see a massive Arab/Russian alliance attack on Israel (Just read the news and the alliance is already there), expect to see the EU emerge as a superpower (To be the worlds only superpower in the future), expect to see news centered around 'Jerusalem' (Which is getting there already), expect to see a global currency (Not too far fetched with the way the global economy is tumbling)..and I can go on and on...the end time events are lining up and you can almost read scripture as a playbook.  Many before me have said it'll happen in their lifetime and it hasn't so I can say for sure it will in mine but my gut tells me it will and soon (I'm only 33)

  6. A Nikon is the perfect camera to record Doomsday for your children.

  7. I grew up in a cult during the seventies.  We lived in terror of the end of the world - some people sold their houses and gave away the money to the poor (why?  if they were all going to die anyway?).

    It didn't happen then, and I've now reached the happy point in my life when I no longer think about it.  what will happen, will happen.  I won't waste another moment worrying about something I have so little control over.

  8. Doomsday/End of the world/Apocalypse/Armageddon etc has been with us ever since we became Homosapien, don't worry about it.

    For centurys and centurys humans have always been running around preeching the end of the world and trying to back it up with either lies, ideas, beleif and hoaxes.

    We don't know when the world will end, it could end tommorow, it could end in a decade, it could end in 100,000,000,000 years from now, we don't know.

    If something can't be backed 100% with solid proof, don't waste your time thinking about such morbid things.

  9. Not its not the end of the world, but if we don;t pull our socks up on climate change particularly, food shortages will happen and water will be a commodity as expensive as oil.

    If it was Armageddon then you wouldn't be posting questions like this. You wouldn't be here to do so.

  10. Look if they do come it may give me a reason to live and get out of this tragic consumerist existence that we all live in. Bring the exciting times on.

  11. yes

  12. Nah, the Jesus lovers have been saying that for 2000 years, yet the same S**t is still happening. Just the names change...

  13. don't worry about it . world has always been violent throughout the ages. i am sick of doomsday talk no one knows when it will end,  take one day at a time. just found out my friend died today in an accident ,so that's his end of the world,enjoy each Day

  14. I think they came upon us the day we grew up and realised the sun don't always shine. If you have faith,believe and trust, if not just hope you go up in the blast! Don't fret for tomorrow, enjoy today, as that's all we have that's real.... Don't have said camera but my mobile has a really cool one! :)

  15. No, i don't believe in it, what's happening with our weather is cyclical and although we are chucking god alone knows what into our atmosphere it can't possibly be any worse than when we had the industrial revolution and for weeks on end our cities were covered in smog. I was in Canada recently on the Jasper glacier and our guide believes the same that i do. The glaciers are receeding but they have done that before and you can actually see the colour strata produced by this. As for the violence in the world, well,  short of castrating every male on the planet i don't think that's an easy one.

  16. No, I don't think the world is going to end but it will be a very different place within the next 100 years - if the oil runs out and we have nothing to replace it.  We will be back to survival of the fittest and the world will be a very hard and dangerous place!

  17. When I was growing up the diet of fear was nuclear war.  I wish I had not wasted energy believing that.  It's like you say to yourself why try to get up hope?, why believe in the future?

    I know they do it to control us but it gets to the level of oppression more often than not.

    Everybody to Dairy Queen with your bf/gf/family for a blizzard.

    Try to have some fun every day and shut off the TV.  Except for the Red Sox....nah, them to the way they been

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