
Door stopper, that will hold the door in place if the door is only left ajar.?

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Is there a product that can hold a door at any place in it's arce? Basically I want to be able to hold my back door open, but sometime having it fully open is too much, so I want it to be only half open or less but this means I need to wedge it on both sides, which is very annoying. I want something which will hold the door in a certain place and be easy to turn on and off.




  1. If you put the wedge or door stop at the edge of the door you won't need 2, provided the door isn't very heavy.  I know some folks remove the hinge pins and bend them slightly to make the door stoppable at any point.  This isn't good for hinges but works.

  2. I think you are looking for a "kick down door stop" They sell them at Lowe's & Home Depot and almost any hardware store.

  3. Cut yourself a thin wedge of wood(about 1" at thickest part) and slip it under the door.Or if in a hurry fold up some cardboard and slip it under the door.

  4. We use a small wooden 'chock' on one of our doors, and a large round stone on another.

  5. get a door stopper.i have a wooden one ,i jam it under the door and it holds it still

  6. mothercare do one (UK).

    ill find a link.

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