
Doorstep visit?

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two men just been to my door said they were jehovahs witnesses i told them i didnt know there had been an accident




  1. i opened door last week and (2 young guys were there Jehovah's witness,) i told them no thank you right off the bat and said have a nice day as i preceded to close the door, the one on the right made a screwed up face at me  and mumbled something i opened it and said excuse me? he goes what ever, ( i live down a long drive way on 4 acres) i said ill give 2 mins to get off my property they ran ( i couldn't believe he had the nerve to be so nasty )

  2. I tell them I am a muslim cannot see their backsides for dust.

  3. You could be stoned to death for just mentioning his name.

  4. Jehovah good laff over that??

  5. When they came to our door my husband said. He did not want to hear and if there was a God .He would surely forgive him for his ignorance

  6. Ha ha ha ha ha that was so cool, well done you!

  7. Don't worry, they will be back.


    but Rooney knocks in the rebound.

  9. A few years ago a friend of mine saw the Jehovah's Witnesses coming down her street so she rushed to her parents' house a few streets away. She burst in & shouted, "Don't answer the door, the Jehovah's are coming around." ...And there were the Jehovah's sat in the sitting room drinking tea. Highly embarrassing!!!

  10. An oldy but goody

  11. hahahaha!....The last one who came to my door looked shocked when I just said  "no thanks" He said "don't you believe in Jesus?" I said "no"

    He looked down at his shoes, looked at his colleague, looked back at me and shuffled off With a "dam you Satan" look in his

  12. Brilliant.

    I just tell them to pi$$ off.

  13. Just invite them in, they will be so confused you wont see them for dust!!

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