
Dorms - I might have made a mistake?

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I have social anxiety (nervous around people) and also am very disturbed by small sounds, etc. when I'm trying to sleep (sensitive).

When I applied to college, I had my psychiatrist write a letter about how it would be better for me to have my own dorm and not be with a roommate. As it gets closer to time for college to start, I'm worried that I made a mistake.

The school is hours away where I know no one. My friend said, sarcastically, "Well, at least you know you have at least one friend [the nonexistent roommate] when you start out."

I'm so scared I'll be completely alone. I try to make friends, but I'm really awkward. Should I see if I can get a roommate after I get there? Did I make a huge mistake? Thanks.




  1. Get some foam rubber ear plugs, you'll sleep better and that might ease the tension.

  2. Don't be nervous, try your living situtition for a little while and see if you don't make friends on your floor. You are going to be amazed on how many new students feel the same way that you do... If you feel like you have make a mistake at that point talk to your RA and she if he/she can't help you out.. Good Luck  

  3. I don't think you made a huge mistake. If you don't have a roommate at first, then you can get used to dorm life without the extra stress of a roommate. There are tons of people and tons of activity in every dorm so you won't lack for encounters with other people. You can get to know people in the dorm more slowly and see who might be a good match for you as a roommate for the second semester. Good luck!! : )

  4. Im just like you.. (i get panic attachs around more than like 5 or 6 people, thats why im home schooled)

    I understand completly. Um if you want to make friends, i would suggest joining clubs. It is way out of your confort one i know, but just going up and introducing yourself. The roommate thing, i am not sure what you should do. I think it is ok if you get friends and then sleep on your own, you can always have "sleep overs" right?

  5. No I don't think you made a mistake, there might be a chance that you won't like your roommate and vice versa, if you are sensitive about living with someone, then I would say live on your own. My freshmen year roommate wasn't bad but wasn't great either. We never really saw each other, but it did getting annoying when I would have to pick up after someone else and coordinate like study times, or tv times, or trying to have friends visit. And if you want to make friends, take Freshmen courses or join an organization and be active. It will be hard at first being on your own the first couple of weeks, but you'll make friends if your open and friendly, because you will have neighbors in your dorm. Don't be scared to ask them if they want to have dinner or if you can go along with a group from your floor. :) I personally preferred living alone. (It does get lonely at times, so make friends with your neighbors)

  6. Don't worry about having a stranger as roommate yet. You'll have plenty of opportunities to meet new friends in colleage: classmates. You will for sure meet good friends in the classrooms and you may find a friend you feel comfortable being your roommate later. Take your time! College is a 4-year adventure! Don't have to make ALL important decisions on day one.

  7. Ok, before I start - I'm no professional and this is just my personal opinion.

    I think that you should share - if you're regretting it now you probably will be happier with one.

    If I were you I'd ring up and see if it can be changed.

    When you go to uni, you will make friends - just try your best and if not others will be friendly towards you anyway ^^

    If they say you have to be by yourself now - just accept it and try not to worry.

    I hope it all goes well and that I helped. It'll be fine and the main thing is not to worry as it won't help. Take care hun x

  8. I don't have a social anxiety, but I had the WORST roommate experiences ever. People rarely become best friends with their roommates. There are tons of other ways to make friends (clubs, other people in your hall, dorm activities etc) and you should not worry about it!

  9. Don't worry, you can leave your door open while you're just chillin in your room and make friends that way.  Join some clubs and just get out there to make friends!  Try the room on your own for a few weeks and if you feel like you made a mistake, let your RA know...someone is probably hating their roommate and needs to switch rooms!

  10. leaving you door open in the dorm is an invite for people to pop in. So when you are feeling comfortable, leave the door open. Join study groups-a great way to meet other students in a small group. Go out to the lobby to watch TV. When school first starts make a effort to just say hi to the other students on your floor.

    Remember most students are not going to know anyone either.

    um dorm rooms are not sound proof , you are still going to hear noises at night.  

  11. Well, I am a college sophomore and I also have social anxiety and hypersensitivity to sound... and I had a roommate my freshman year.

    Actually, I started out with one, but she was so loud and I was so miserable that I tried to get my own room and ended up with a slightly quieter girl.

    Both semesters were hellish for me, because I really never got a chance to be alone and away from people, which made me nervous all the time, and a bit angry about the noise.

    I lived alone when I was in school for the summer term, and that was glorious in comparison.

    And I have a hard time making friends too, but I have made a couple of friends with people from clubs that I joined. I don't live with or near them (different dorms, sometimes different halls) so I don't have to  worry about that, but I do see them a few times a week.

    So, my advice to you is to cherish having your own room (you might not be able to get a single if you ever give it up, since space is an everpresent concern) and just join a couple of clubs to make friends.

    I don't think you're making a mistake... I think you are smart in realizing that you have a problem with noise and people and that you need your own space to decompress and have a little privacy.

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