
Dose Urine Cure Acne???

by Guest66535  |  earlier

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okayy, so i was at camp && this guy was drinking a Rockstar in a cup, and we were all like, "eww, is that pee?"

and he was like, "no, but urine cures acne. really. i know this guy wo did it & it worked. all you have to do is put pee on you face eveyday."

and were all like, "nu-uh... really?"

so is it true?

does it?

im NOT going to do it, even if it does.

i was just wondering.





  1. "Urine therapy is one that can elicit such revulsion (in me!), that it is almost hard to write about it. The theory is that one's own urine is packed with antibodies, hormones, and other goodies that are beneficial for our health. This includes vitamins and minerals that the body has excreted, because it didn't need. One article I read made the very good point that if they weren't needed the first time, they will likely be excreted again the second time. That same article points out that just because urine is not toxic, does not mean it is beneficial.

    Urine therapy had its' origins amongst some Indian mystics, and seems to be particularly associated with the tantric philosophy. As an acne remedy, it is suggested that one massages one's urine over the affected areas. Some people leave it on overnight, assuming their partners and family can stand the smell.

    The problem with urine therapy is that a lot of the justification is very unscientific and poorly supported. It is bolstered by conspiracy theories as to why this supposedly wonderful substance is ignored by the medical profession, except where scientists have extracted and tested certain elements of urine for therapeutic purposes. This does not mean, however, that therapeutic concentrations are to be found in one's own urine.

    Bottom line for urine therapy with acne? There are a lot of other good alternatives out there, that don't smell, and don't have waste products mixed in with them. And people on any medications should not try urine therapy."

    So basically if you wanted to, you could try it.  But there is no supporting scientific research with Urine curring Acne.  Good luck, Acne sucks! I hate it! I have occasional pimples and I am almost 30!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh  

  2. No, applying urine to your face will not cure acne.  BUT (and it's a big but) since urine is antiseptic (that's right...there is no bacteria in urine) it will apply a nice knockout punch to athlete's foot fungus.  Weird, but true.  Army medics will tell you to pee on your feet in the shower before they recommend that you apply some topical solution like Lotrimin AF to athlete's foot.  Look it up!

  3. That's so funny because I heard urine does cure acne pretty quickly........But it has to be your own urine....not someone Else's because your urine comes from your body and has certain properties in it.  

  4. It doesn't cure acne but it calms down the inflammation.

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