
Dose any body know about bosinian red pepers and when to pick them ive got one pepper green but reallyyyy big?

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i have a really big one at the bottom of the plant do i need to pick it so more peppers produce it is still green but huge.what is the scovill heat index on green and or red




  1. I`m not particulary familiar with Bosnian red peppers, but I grow a lot of other varieties. I checked several sites (just Google scoville rating) and could not find your particular variety. There are hundreds of varieties, yet most peppers grow pretty much the same. Yes, pick the big pepper green, to ensure your plant keeps producing. If you want mature red ones, wait until you`re through growing them for the season, and let them turn red. Once a pepper matures on the plant, it will slow down and stop producing. (Genetically, it has achieved It`s purpose).

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