
Dose any body know about gifted children/ tolkas with special powers and websites that tell about them?!!!?

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like children that have special powers. thay said something about them on the movie The Last Mimzy. like emma




  1. I've never seen that movie, although all children have special talents/skills that make them unique. Or you could be refering to what is callled and 'indigo' or 'crystal' child, part of the New Age religion. I actually wrote an article about his, a few years back when I was really into this kind of stuff. I'll post it here and you can read this, and then you can simply try googling for 'Indigo Children' or 'Crystal  Children'. If this isn't what you were talking about, please be more specific.

    New Age Children

    The new children have come, are coming and will continue to come. Here is a list of characteristics they display.

    Indigo Children and Adults

    • Don’t respond well to guilt trips, they demand reasons

    • Are spiritual and/or psychic

    • Are extremely intelligent although they may not get the highest grades

    • Are Sometimes miss diagnosed with ADD/ADHD

    • Can have trouble with rage

    • Are vocal

    • Have no problem telling you what they need or want

    • Very Creative

    • Lack patients

    • Very often see betters ways of doing things

    • Are very frustrated by Government and/or old systems and rituals that no longer work

    • Either are very empathic or are not empathetic at all

    • Easily board

    • Are wise beyond there years

    • Are very intuitive

    Good at multitasking , but are easily distracted

    • a strong sense of self

    • Have the spirit of a warrior

    • Always make sure there opinions are heard

    • Need to be treated as equals (ie: Feel they should have the same rights as there elders)

    • Have difficulty with authority

    • Are often early talkers and walkers

    • Are prone to insomnia and nightmares

    • Direct anger outwards

    • Are often good at hiding there spiritual abilities from those who would not accept them

    • Feel misunderstood

    • Feel Frustrated

    • Want peace and are willing to fight for it

    • Energetic

    • Enjoy arguing

    • Refuse to do things they have been asked (ie: homework)

    • Are abstract thinkers very young

    The indigos started coming in large, increasing numbers around 1985 (About 75%-95% depending on the year). The streak ended around 1995. There are older indigos (As old as 60!) But they are much rarer. We call the older indigos “scout” indigos. There are also younger indigo, but they too are also much rarer. Before the 1900’s, there were indigos as well, such as Jean D’Arc (Joan of Arc) but since most of them were not documented in history, we don’t know how common they were.

    Sadly some Indigo’s can loose there psychic and spiritual gifts if they are told they are wrong. And there spiritual growth is slowed if they are medicated for ADD/ADHD and some will lose there psychic and spiritual gifts all together.

    It is believed that the Indigos were sent to earth to begin changing the world. They are here to fight for what is right and take down old systems that no longer work for us. They are here to fight for peace. That is why they have a warrior’s spirit.

    The Cusp Children

    The Cusp Children are a combination of indigos and crystals. They display characteristics from both groups. Kind of like the astrology cusp if you are born on the 21st of the month, you get traits from both signs. So it is hard to create a specific list. The cusp for the indigos to the crystals is approximately from 1992-1998, with the highest number of cusp children in 1995 (about 50%). And if you are in the cusp from 1992-1995, you probably are mostly indigo, and if you are in the cusp from 1995-1998, you are probably more crystal. There are a few exceptions.

    Traits of Cusp Children

    • Are wise beyond there years

    • Are very intelligent, even if they don’t always do well in school

    • Often have memories of their past lives and other subconscious information

    • Are spiritual, intuitive and/or psychic,

    • Any other trait from either the indigos or the crystals, but they must have a combination.

    There are also adults who may exhibit traits from both sides, but they are probably not cusp children. They are most likely indigo born children, making the transition into crystal.  

    The Crystal Children and Adults

    • Have large eyes with an intense stare. You can see that your soul is being presented for them to see. (This is actually called soul reading)

    • Tend to be extremely telepathic

    • Tend to be late talkers, unless they were born before 1995, in which case they tend to be early talkers

    • May have memories of past lives and other subconscious information.

    • Are very musical, they may even sing before they talk

    • Are very in tune with nature

    • Are very interested in rocks and crystals. In fact they may enjoy playing with rocks and crystals more than other children.

    • Are forgiving

    • Are empathetic

    • Have a low self esteem and are vulnerable

    • Innocent and kind

    • Are even tempered

    • Are loving

    • Are caregivers

    • Want peace and will let others put them down and walk all over them in order to maintain it

    • May be diagnosed as autistic

    • Are very affectionate

    • Turn anger inwards

    • Are often very sensitive to their environments

    • Are often natural vegetarians

    • Often have high metabolisms

    • Really like water

    • Are prone to insomnia and nightmares

    • May prefer nakedness to clothing

    • Often experience spiritual wounding

    • Are extremely creative

    • Are often natural healers

    • Will talk openly about there spiritual experiences when they are young, but may be more reserved about there gifts as they get older

    • Have good sense of balance

    • Are optimistic

    The crystal children started coming in large numbers around 1995 (excluding cusp children). They may be older, but it is extremely rare (called crystal “scouts”). The streak ended around 2005.

    Also many adults who are crystal were born indigo and made the transition into crystal or they developed crystal traits later in life. This doesn’t mean if you’re older you’re not a born crystal, but it is extremely rare for anyone born before 1995 (excluding cusp children) to be born crystal. But it has happened.

    It is believed that the crystal children are here to stop the fighting that the indigos started and to put into place the new systems, what ever they may be.

    The Rainbow or New Crystal Children

    The rainbows started appearing around 2005. They are very hard to describe as they are all very young.

    • There face will continually glow with the light of the Divine

    • They have nothing but pure love

    • They have no past wounds

    • The negativity of the world doesn’t affect them

    • Pure innocence

    • No karma

    • They are soft and gentle

    • They have healing powers like no other

    • They are incapable of anything that is not of the purest light and love

    • They will spread love and bring joy to everyone whose path they cross.

    • They are not capable of evil

    It is possible that there are older rainbows, but I nor anyone else I spoke to have ever met them.

    Also it is possible that there may be cusp children from crystal to rainbow, but again this generation is very young and it is hard to tell.

    We don’t know if the human race will stay this way, or if this to is just a streak of special children. Only time will tell

    That's the end of the article. Of coarse, this is a religion thing. I pesonally found christ and beleive all children are special and no longer beleive this. But, it's up to you

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