
Dose any one think any young people could afford to live in Vancouver BC?

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I often wounder that because i'm almost done school and I'd love to live there but i hear the price of living there is allot




  1. When you're young, your expenses (can be) low, too.  No college tuition for your kids, no mortgage, no insurance on your house, etc.

    As long as you don't try to live in luxury, I'm sure you could manage.  San Francisco is also an expensive city, but people in their 20's manage, there.  It's actually a very comparable city.  You might have to rent a room in a house, or have roommates, rather than get your own place.

    Also, you're young, so could give it a try.  If it doesn't work out, you can move someplace else.  Try not to accumulate too much junk in your first year, wherever you go.  And don't spend more than you earn - you should be paying down debts, not accumulating them.  When I graduated, I moved to Oregon for the first year and a half, and everything I owned fit in my car.

  2. It's not actually true. Vancouver isn't more expensive than New York and many young people can afford to live in NY and so can in Vancouver.  housing is expensive here that is true. But you can go to the suburbs. Surey, New west minister, or coquitlam all have cheaper places to rent. If you can't afford 700 a month for a 1 bedroom in a basement, then you can try having room mates and split a 2 bedroom. Food is really cheap here compared to other cities in Canada. You can buy your everyday stuff from local grocery stores. If you get a place near skytrain, you're minutes away from all parts of the lower mainland. A 1 month transportation pass is about $90 and it's cheaper for students. So I'd say you can live here with 1000 a month if you're on a budget.

  3. I'm young and I live in Vancouver. Actually, I live in Burnaby (half an hour from downtown by the bus) and my parents pay my rent while I'm in school so I guess I'm cheating. My bf is done school and lives downtown and he can afford it but he can't really save any money so he is thinking about moving in with someone else and moving away from downtown because it will be a million dollars cheaper...... I love it here but it's very $$ :(

  4. That's actually one of the biggest problems here in Vancouver. A lot of people are talking about that right now in the news... You're right, it is very expensive to live on your own.

  5. to buy a house... yes out of sight but levelling off now.. maybe dipping so bad time to buy.  Rentals... lots of them and not that costly compared to other cities.  Try looking at the suburbs too... Surrey, Coquitlam, ... they also provide the west coast life style.. easy access to mountains, oceans and by skytrain quick access to downtown and other areas but much less expensive.

    Other expenses like food, hydro, transport etc.. are not way out of line with other Canadian cities

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