
Dose anyone else believe in Big Foot?

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Well me and my mom do im 15 and im facinated with Big Foot or otherwise known as Sasquatch, Skunk Ape and a few other names i think anythings possible really if theres a Big Foot show on im watching it im just waiting for SOLID proof of him and i was wondering if anyone else believes in Big Foot and if not then what was it that everyone saw on personal expiriences and VIDEO proof i no its possible that some people can hoaxe it but i find it hard to believe that someone would go through all that trouble to make a fake video.... so what do you think?? also what the heck is a hobgoblin lol someone asked if they can be tamed??? soo tell me your oppinions:)))




  1. I believe in Big Foot.  He lives in my house.

  2. I swear, I have a amazing story where i think i encountered bigfoot, email me and ill tell u, its kind of long so i dont feel like posting it

  3. I believe there are many creatures all around us which we can not explain so yes there-fore I do believe somewhere there exits a Bigfoot.

  4. My Dad was raised in Idaho. He was born in 1917 (died 1997). When I was a kid before Bigfoot was even talked about,he told me how as a teenager he went to work at a lumber mill in Humbolt Co. Calif. When he arrived there (this was about 1934) there was this big mess of oil drums and things. He asked what had happened and the foreman told him they had had a visit by the (what he called ) "Humbolt Giants" that lived in those coastal Redwoods."They come in at night",he said " and tear things up once or twice a year".

    I do believe my Dad. He was a no nonsense type of guy,fought in two wars (WWII and Korea).

  5. I have witness two different big-foots.... So there is no doubt that I am a believer...................................

  6. Yes. From experience.

    I also believe that they are most likely 'tulpa's or thought forms'.

  7. I believe Bigfoot to be a tulpa.  It is a practice if you and others believe in something, a manifestation of your combined energies will create a real creature or object.  Check it out, it is way out there but credible.  Also look into the Beast of Gevaudan, a creature that is very similar to the folklore of Bigfoot.  But was proven to be real.  So if that is possible anything is possible.

  8. I'm open to the possibility, and there is evidence of Bigfoot-like creatures, or at least giants, on continents all over the world.

  9. i believe in them and my late father until his dying days was sure he saw one, up close and personal , they were sorta checking each other out and dad lit a smoke which scared the bugger was a trucker and the same night there were reported sightings in the same area, so i believe him.

  10. Yes for sure I believe in Big Foot. There are newly discovered animals all the time. But the fact that he eludes such intelligent creatures as we humans gives me pause..

  11. No I don't proof.

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