
Dose anyone have some good prank calls?

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I can not think of 1! :C ! Can you help me?




  1. in an accented voice u say "hi this is bob im looking for mary so mary call me back bye" i did this to my friend and it totally worked!!! good luck

  2. ok so what u do is u call one of ur frends and u say that ur from abercrombie (or from any store that they shop at) and u put on a rlly girly voice and say "hi this is abercrombie, did u order 50 tshirts?" and keep going then whne they hang up call agen and say "did u order them or not?" then wen they hang up then call them agen and say "ok seriously this is abercrombie, did u order like 50 tshirts? theyre perriwinkle blue and ruffled at the hem and totally madonna" and then wen they hang up call them as u and say omg did sum1 from Abercrombie just call u? ull need 2 pple, one to prank and one to be urself.....its hilarious!!! omg and then call from hollister!!!


    hope i helped


  3. You: Is your refrigerator running?

    Answerer: Yes?

    You: Then go catch it!!

    Than you hang up. I saw this on TV and cracks me up every time.

  4. omg me and my cousin do em all the time.


    call a place that sales dogs, like you know a dog pound or w.e. and ask them whats the best kind of dog to eat=]]


    act like you think its a restaurant for you to eat dogs,

    it sounds mean but its jus a prank ..

    thats a point

    i love dogs, i would never ever eat them

  5. yes.


  6. This one is funny, if not cruel: call up a couple who's listed in the phone book. When she answers, ask for her husband--if he's not there simply ask her to give him a message: you just left the doctor office and are indeed pregnant. When she freaks out, just be like "****, did i call (his names) house?! and hang up quickly.

    Guy will be in hot water for about a month

  7. tell them their 25 large pizzas are on th way and they have to pay in cash!

  8. me and my friends once rang the helpline number on the back of an evian bottle and said in a really posh voice

    'excuse me, my bottle of evian is FULL of water! im absolutly disgusted!'

    it was hilarious


  9. i use to call the pharmacist and ask them really dumb questions like, "do i need a prescription for a guide dog?", and does my prescription for weed need to be from a doctor. one time a called a store and said i was blind and couldn't find my way out, they were on the intercom sending help for me.  

  10. Call from a doctor's office and tell them they got their lab results back and they need to come in immediately! Doctor's office can't release any info over the phone so it really get them curiously worried!

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