
Dose anyone know Ryder Court, Leyton E10 ifso what is it like?

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hi my girlfriend whats to move into this area as we got a good deal on a flat there from someone in her family. but i'm not so sure i still have to go look at it but iv heared bad things about Leyton. Can anyone help in telling me what the area is really like? thank you




  1. Leyton is like almost any other place in London. Great transport links but you're on your own.

    It is extremely cosmopolitan and most of the people in the area are working hard to feed their families.

    If you can find your niche in the community, Leyton can provide all you need.

    It's quite close to Britain's longest street market, (Walthamstow), relatively close to underground links into the City, and a bus network that is unrivalled.

    It is also quite close to the Stratford Olympic site.

    Crime is a problem, but if precautions are followed it is no more dangerous than any other big city neighbourhood.

    If your young and sensible it could be a great place to start out, but keep the support of your family network.

  2. Its not very nice at all.Im not sure exactly where Ryder Court is so if you could let me know the name of the road I could help more, but honestly most parts of Leyton are horrible (gangs hanging around and fighting and knifing each other,shootings that dont often get reported). Im sorry, but its the truth, and thats probably why she got a good deal.

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