
Dose anyone know an agent?

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My name is Sandra, I'm 12. The other day I was talking to my mom about getting an agent, but I did'nt really know where I could get one. If anyone has angent or knows someone who has one please e-mail me at

This is a little about me:

I was born May 28, 1996 in Colombia(I am a big fan of Shakira) I would described myself as a very LOUD person once you get to know me. I'm a very random crazy outgoing person. I go nuts! In school I take 3-4 pre-ap classes and I'm recentley an A-B student(mostly A's). I like to sing and I LOVE to act. If you want more info e-mail me please.

Oh and by the way I speak 2 languages English and Spanish.




  1. Okay, you have the right mindset and you are in pretty much the perfect age range for wanting to become an actor :D

    So what you have to start out with is this...

    1) Get into the drama class at your school immediately

    2) Drop by your public library and pick up 3-4 books on acting (and read them all ! but don't stop there, keep getting more and more books:)

    3) Audition for all, and every performance venue at your school. (the more experience you get, the better!)

    4) Swing by a local community college and take a couple acting classes

    5) start memorizing and working on (extensively) audition monologues

    6) Audition for all of your local community theatre, and church performances etc...

    7) Talk to your parents (if you feel you are a strong enough performer, and if you like acting) about helping you achieve a career in acting.

    8) Get some headshots done (nothing too expensive or flashy, just something clean and professional)

    9) Find and audition for nearly all SAG or AFTRA approved talent agencies

    10) and remember... ACTING IS A VERY ROCKY CAREER CHOICE :D be ready for lots of rejection, criticism, hard work, and perseverance

    but you can do it!! ^.^

  2. Supriseingly yellow pages has them under acting agencies!

    There was an agency in my small town only  streets away from me and I never even knew.

    So yeah try that's!

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