
Dose anyone know many people have commited suicide at the carousel center in syracuse ny and in what year?

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one just happened so i was kinda wondering not to be morbid or anything




  1. This was the fourth according to the news articles.

    "This is the fourth case of someone taking their own life in this way at Carousel Center, and although CBS 5 does not usually report suicides, we are reporting this because of its public nature, and the danger it posed to people walking on the lower level of the mall."

  2. That guy was the 5th person (that I could find) to commit suicide there.

    twice in 1998 (this may have happened before 98, cant find any news older than that)

    twice in 2002

    once recently

    many other have tried, but have been prevented  

  3. Keeping count since I moved here in 1998 I do believe the count is up to 5.  Michael Loftus (the most recent who's dead body picture is rapidly shooting thru picture mail text messages on cell phones around here) jumped from the 6th floor to his dead.  He was a friend of my g/f's and will be missed.  I had another friend in high school who's friend kinda fell (just went back and dropped off) while tripping on cough syrup in 2002.  I recall one jumper almost hit the easter bunny a few years back and he was def dead on contact as he hit head first.  I think another kid fell off the side of an escalator near where kahunaville used to be and died but i'm not sure on that one might have been just a rumor or maybe he just fell and got hurt from the 2nd level.  

  4. I live in Syracuse ny.  This was actually the FOURTH person to jump since the 1990s.  He was just 21 years old from Liverpool.  It is very sad and also selfish I think of these people to jump and they dont take into consideration that there are people who witness these deaths and are traumatized by them.  One year someone jumped and landed right in front of the Easter bunny.  There were many children that witnessed the tragedy as well as other people,  This time, ppl took cell pics of the dead man.  I even received one of these very morbid and disgusting pics on my cell from a friend.  He was so young. This makes me so very sad.  There was a couple that he landed near and they were shaken terribly by the whole thing.  Their lives are forever altered and their minds crazy over the scene that they witnessed.  These jumpers never take into consideration that they may kill someone else or damage ppls minds by them having public suicides.  It is very selfish, and a horrible thing to do.  Suicide is devastating to friends and families of the loved one lost.  I know from personal experience of losing a friend. I will forever question weather or not there was something I could have done to save him.  Id give anything to have him back. I don't know why you are so interested in this subject..... It doesn't happen often and carousel mall is a nice mall otherwise, but when it does happen it is very sad and tragic for all locals and bystanders.  The mall is very large..... they want to make it bigger than the mall of America..... but I do think they should do something to prevent ppl from being able to jump. I don't know why the jumpers do it, but I wish they knew how awful of a thing it is that they are doing.  

  5. one just happend a few days ago. one of my friends Friend was thre and took a pic of him after he was dead i have it on my phone. and theres blood all over.

  6. its too bad that ppl are spreading this guys pic around like its some sort of entertainment. whats worse is to have someone spread it to their friends and claim that they were there when it happened and that they took the pic themselves like they are looking for some sort of credit for it.  ppl are forgetting that this was a human being, someones loved one who must have had a mental illness. how would they feel if it was their loved one that ppl were making a mockery out of? if ppl find this entertaining, then they should seriously look at getting themselves some help or maybe they will end up someday as a pic on someone elses cell for everyone to find amusing!

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