
Dose anyone know the title of this movie?

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I saw this one movie a long time ago and I'm trying to recall the name.

I'll try to tell you the most detail about the movie as I can.

I can remember it had something to do with the devil

A dog being "sacrificed" and thrown into this big hole in the back yard

A boy gets a splinter by the hole

and the final thing to summon some sort of demon, levitation occurs.

I think there was some sort of comic book too

I remember the title was like The (number)th Gate or something with gate in it.

It's pretty old from what I can remember it could be anywhere from the1970's-90's era

Anyone have any ideas?




  1. oh i have seen that movie before and it's pretty weird and i forgot the name

  2. I believe it is just called The Gate

  3. The ninth Gate?

    Is that it...?

  4. Yes, "The Gate"

  5. "The Ninth Gate"

    Here is the link:

  6. There's a movie "The Ninth Gate".

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