
Dose anyone out there know how the mith of Dragons started?

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like how did the mith start




  1. My friend, who is a total science nut and knows way more than I will ever know or forget, thinks that the dragon myth is an assumption made by someone who stumbled across dinosaur fossils.

  2. I saw a discovery channel program that basically explained dragons were real in ancient times. Different types around the world suited to different terrains. It was very believable.

  3. Tolkien described dragons as having german origins

    before that i dont know. and rings of power..said dragons guarded rings of power.

  4. no it stared when one chines man said that he entered a cave and saw a demon with wings and had fire inside and so people say that a man stayed there  and he never rented

  5. Dinosaurs perhaps...I too saw a Discovery Channel show about the possiblilty that they were real they explainde it well ..too much to explain :)

  6. Dragons? well, most probably, medieval people found dinosaur fossils and they started fantasizing about them

  7. With people speculating  what the remains of dinosaurs where.

  8. First, myth is spelled with a y.

    Anyway, there is no set starting point.  Dragons have been in stories from cultures all around the world, from Asia to Europe to Africa, and even in the ancient Americas.  

    It is probably based on large lizards, or maybe a few lingering dinosaurs that managed to keep the species going up until the start of human civilization.

    Who knows?

  9. I don't know....but how can you be so sure it's just a myth?

  10. the belief in the dragon is very old nobody knows for sure how old it is, there are some people who claim that ancient man had some contact with big lizards (possibly surviving dinosaurs, as outlandish as it may seem there are unconfirmed reports nowadays of big dinosaur like lizards in remote parts of the world), that contact with the giant lizards might have sparked off all the stories about dragons.

  11. i think it started in china

  12. Considering Dragons, of some sort, appear in cultures all arond the world the piece below is the best explanation I've seen.

    What were dragons?

    It is quite possible that dragons were comets. So what do dragons and comets have in common? Dragons were depicted as serpents with wings and could fly through the sky. They had a head and a long body. Likewise, comets have a head and a long body and appear to fly through the sky. The chief Mayan god was "Kukulkan" which literally meant "feathered serpent". A comet has a long body but the body fans out as if it has feathers. A "feathered serpent" is a perfect description of a comet. See pictures of comets Hyakutake and Halebopp.

    Why are there dragon myths found in almost all cultures on Earth?

    In order for dragon legends to be so widespread, there must have been an event that was common to all areas of the Earth. The only thing that looks like a flying serpent, could be seen by every person in the world, and be able to cause global destructive effects would be an impact on the Earth by a comet. If this did happen at some remote time in history, all of the people on Earth would have seen the comet (dragon) moving through the stars and each night it would have gotten bigger and bigger until it had a tail that stretched all the way across the sky. The sight of this monstrous flying serpent monster must have struck terror in all of the people of Earth. Relatively few people would have witnessed the impact of the comet but soon afterward, the entire Earth would have been bombarded by burning rocks falling from the sky. The sky would have darkened from the smoke of the impact and all of the fires started around the world. The darkness would have lasted for months and the crops everywhere on Earth would have failed. There would have been widespread starvation and disease. Every culture would have experience the terrible after effects of the comet impact. If there had been an advanced civilization at that time (Atlantis perhaps), it would have fallen apart as its people were reduced to a hand to mouth existence. Many generations later, the knowledge and culture from the previous civilization would have disappeared but each generation would tell stories about the monstrous flying serpent that caused so much destruction.

  13. King Auther and hi Knights of the Round Table....i think

  14. Ok maybe the knights of the round table with king arhtur and merlin(wizard) or it started with Draco the dragon trust me i think draco was the first dragon on the galaxy until hercules killed him!

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