
Dose it mean anything if your child changes his room around alot

by  |  earlier

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he has changed his room in the past moth more then 3 times and i am wondering if it means that something is wrong or he wants change. i am not sure




  1. No just a way of excerising control.   As a  parent you tell him when to sleep, eat, etc. This is his room and it is something he can control.  I moved my room around every few months. I had three styles i used  

  2. I don't know if you're hinting at the possibility of autism or something, but he'd likely be exhibiting other symptoms of that. I changed my room around a lot when I was little. Probably not quite 3 or more times a month, but he could just be getting bored having his room the same.  

  3. I'd say he's very creative and easily bored with things. Heck, have him help you with the rest of the house if you like what he's doing. You should always encourage artistic endevors. I still like to move things around for no reason other than I want a new look.

    Good for him!

  4. Nope, hes just trying to make his room comfortable. I moved my room around every few months, but sometimes I really didn't like it after a week and changed it again. Then after another week, I really didn't like it and would change again. nothing to worry about.  

  5. It means absolutely nothing. My mother rearranges her house every month and remodels her kicthen every 6 months. She enjoys the changes and gets bored when it stays the same too long.

  6. Naaa-I change my kitchen around just as often.

  7. Kids like change. Even as an adult I get bored and rearrange the whole house. It keeps things fresh.

  8. My kids ask to have theirs rearranged once a month. Every year they beg for a new color *theme*.

  9. no not at all kids like change. if you can afford it offer up a new paint job and maybe some new decor.

  10. I did that too when I was younger. I did it because I got bored and wanted a change in my life. Life for kids can sometimes get really mundane and repetitive. Thats why I took up surfing :)  

  11. I would say not, but it would depend on how old and if it's just certain things that he moves, then moves them back to the same spot (ocd)

    He could be just trying to figure out how he likes it.

  12. No way! Ther is nothing wrong with him. Some people just like a change of scene. I was the same as a kid. I loved changing my bedroom around. Even now as an adult I still like moving things around in my living room and bedroom etc. Its nice to have a change. Don't worry about him. He'll be fine

  13. he may just like changing his room around, i did that alot when i was young, i got bored having my room the same!

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