
Dose kcal equal with kg?????

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if i lose 1000 kcal that means i;m losing 1 kg...pls help want to know




  1. kcal is the unit of heat energy=4180 jouls,kg is the unit of mass.Now your question is how much do I have to work (in jouls or cal) to lose I kg.It deponds on the metabolism of your body.A good physician can

    help you.

  2. No, kcal is not related to kg.Kcal is a size used to count calories and kg is a size used to count weight.

  3. No, not at all; unfortunately, it's not so simple and easy. How quickly you burn off fat depends on several factors, like genetics, what type of physical activity you're doing - interestingly enough, studies have suggested that more 'laid-back' activities such as brisk walking are best for burning off fat rather than really rigorous activities; your fat is used for emergencies such as when you're starving and for more laid-back exercises, while your body tends to burn up protein and what have you for rigorous activities - and your metabolism rate (how much energy you use up by doing things such as standing around). Raising your metabolism rate is the best way to lose weight; google 'raising metabolism' and do some research to see how to raise your metabolism rate. Pretty much, when your body thinks its been starved (when you go for awhile without food) it goes into survival mode (metabolism rate plummets), doing whatever it can to conserve your fat storage to keep you alive as long as possible, which is why simply dieting without exercise is a bad idea, and isn't very effective (not to mention, unhealthy).

  4. no

  5. They're not the same. losing 3500kcal burns 1 lb. which would equal .4535 kg.

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