
Dose music help you with math??

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a math project, so i need help... Yeah

Help me!!




  1. yes. The answer lies in cog. science - brain pathway stuff. Same kind of thinking involved. start there.  

  2. Try it and see.

  3. yeah it helps a lot

    but when only u know how to solve ur problem because if ur stuck in any question u will find music irritating

  4. as long as it's without lyrics: yes!

    with lyrics: I can't concentrate...:(

  5. well well well

    how long i have been waiting for someone to ask this question and thnx u asked pal...

    i have explained my friends abt this and they quite agree to it also...

    the answer is yes for many and no for few...

    well i will take both the categories...

    i think music stimulizes ur flow in math if and only if u know ho to work out the problems...

    but if u having difficulty in solving the problem,,, its advisable that turn off ur music and concentrate...

    i have many friends who turn in their ipods while doing math.

    i hope i helped.

  6. Absolutely!  It's sometimes called the Mozart effect.  Studies on this topic are quite fascinating.  Here are some links to some information that will be useful to you.

    Best of luck on this interesting assignment.  : )

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