
Dose the burning of fossile fuels ie. coal have an affect on the enviroment?

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do they have an affect on the ozone layer?

do they have an affect at all?




  1. Yes. The ozone layer is constantly forming and reforming as oxygen atoms are bonding. Because the layer is constant, they tend to deflect some of the sun's rays. When the fossil fuels are released into the atmosphere, this has an affect. The gases released bond with the oxygen atoms. This prevents the oxygen atoms from bonding with the other oxygen atoms (the process that formed the ozone layer). As a result, more of the sun's rays enter the atmosphere. This raises the temperature of the Earth.

  2. It is quite obvious that there is an effect. We can't see it because it acts slowly but very destructively.

    On the ozone layer..I don't know how, but fossil fuels thin the ozone layer.

    Also, there is an effect called temperature inversion in which a pollution can disrupt the natural process of cooling the air and create a layer of hot air in the atmosphere that makes everything hotter.

  3. Of course!

  4. not in China....China likes touse coal, because it is cheap and easy

    ....China uses coal to make all of it's elctricity and also to cook food

    ....China believes that a problem exisits only in the minds of the concerened

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