
Dose the fountain of youth really exist? ?

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Dose the fountain of youth really exist? ?




  1. Probably  

  2. Only if the make up of your genes allows it.

  3. we already have enough youth in this world.  what we need is a fountian of smarts.

    And yes, probablly

  4. of course not, there is no fountain that can make a person young again

  5. yes its called a plastic surgeon but unless you have money ur screwed  

  6. I heard it's located somewhere in harlem.

    Go for it, white boy!

  7. yes it's what surgeon use on movie stars  they take them to the fountain of youth

    Pay your surgeon very well

    To break the spell of aging

  8. Yes - the spring that Ponce DeLeon found is in Florida....they sell little cups of water from the fountain.

    Does it keep you young? grandmother drank from it when she was a girl, and all I can say is she certainly retained quite a lot of her youthful ways right up until the day she died.

  9. Uh... No.

  10. If it did I would not look this bad

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