
Dose your TV use more electricity when it's on or off?

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Is that just a myth or is it fact? If so I'll just turn all of my Tv's on and leave them on...




  1. Myth.  First, the current that is being consumed relies on the amount of power going through the equipment.  Computers need lights, fans, etc. when on.  When off, they only need to maintain a tiny battery backup.  Second, computers and T.V.s produce heat, which causes the room temp to rise and therefore can cause your summer cooling bills to rise.  If you want to test the theory, just turn them all on for one month and check your bill.  The next month, turn them off and check your bill.  Simple ohms law.

  2. Get a Kill-a-watt and see for yourself.  It's a simple energy monitor that will tell you how much electricity something is using.

  3. television sets, projectors, and computers use more electricity when they are turned off.

  4. when its ON

    but it still consumes some electricity when it's off

  5. This depends on how much you watch TV and how long it's plugged in when turned off.  Take my 32" RCA CRT TV for example.  When it is on, it uses 150 watts, and when it is off it still uses 6 watts.  So for every 25 hours that it is plugged in and off, I could have used the same energy to watch 1 hour of TV and then unplug it.  I used a "Kill-A-Watt" to know the standby power and unplug my TV always when it is not in use.  So, if you never watch TV it is using more power.  BUT, do NOT leave TV on or you'll  be using way more!  ON TV = 25 times more electrical consumption than TV OFF.

  6. Television sets use more energy when they are on. If you are looking to conserve energy, simply unplug your TV when it is not in use.

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