Dota 2 Heroes Spotlight: Black Arachnia the Broodmother
If you think spiders are deadly creatures, wait until you play with Black Arachnia the Broodmother. She is a very solid agility-carry hero with a potential to strike fear in the hearts of her opponents by simply revealing herself to them. The skills at her
disposal allow her to push lanes and take out towers without breaking a sweat. As far as her hero killing potential is concerned, you have got to see her in action to really comprehend just how lethal she can be. If she is given the chance to farm up her core
items, then she can pretty much take control of the entire game and become next to unstoppable.
Spawn Spiderlings
Broodmother’s first skill is named Spawn Spiderlings and it actually does more than what the name suggests. When you target an enemy with this ability, it acts as a basic nuke that deals 300 damage to the target. The fun really starts when and if the target
dies within two seconds of getting struck with Spawn Spiderlings. If the target is struck by the skill at its maximum level, it will spawn three spiderlings upon dying. These little creatures may look harmless at an initial glance, but a closer look at what
they are capable of doing reveals the havoc that they are capable of creating on the battlefield. Any unit killed by these spiderlings will spawn Spiderites. These are much smaller and less powerful than spiderlings, but that is a very small drawback considering
the ease with which they are replaced. Amassing an army of spiderlings and spiderites can have a number of uses, which range from pushing lanes and taking out towers, damaging enemies to conveniently jungle.
Spin Web
Black Arachnia’s second skill is named Spin Web. It allows her to place an indestructible web anywhere on the map for an indefinite period. At its highest level, Broodmother can place up to eight webs on the battlefield at an instance. What makes these webs
really shine is the buff that they apply on Broodmother while she stands within them. It grants her up to eight hit-points (hp) regeneration per second, boosts her movement speed by 35 percent and most importantly, grants her invisibility. The last of these
buffs is subjected to the condition that she does not attack or use a consumable item. The buffs are also applied on the spiderlings, allowing them to regeneration health, move faster and become invisible.
Incapacitating Bite
Incapacitating Bite is Broodmother’s third ability. It is a passive orb skill that enables Black Arachnia to place a debuff on her enemies while auto-attacking them. Enemies inflicted by the bite at its highest level will cause them to miss 25 percent of
their attacks, have their movement speed reduced by 40 percent and also take an additional eight damage. The effects of Incapacitating Bite lasts for up to two seconds and does not stack, though it can be reapplied by striking the target again. One thing to
note, however, is that the evasion buff of the skill stacks with evasion granted by items.
Insatiable Hunger
Insatiable Hunger is what really makes Broodmother a force to be reckoned with. When activated at its highest level, Black Arachnia will have her damage increased by 100 and will additional gain 80 percent life-steal for a duration of 40 seconds. This ability
stacks with life-steal items.
The pushing, harassing and carrying abilities of Broodmother are like none other in Defense of the Ancients (Dota) 2. When finding yourself pitted against her in a game, make sure you counter her to an extent by keeping wards with you at all times for true-sight.
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