
Double Pirouette!!! Help Me Please!?

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I'm in ballet, and I can't seem to get a double pirouette down, I need tips, FAST!!!




  1. if your doing it from 4th position. you need to keep your weight off your back foot. keep your arches up and weight over your toes of the front foot. stand up sharply with your toes fully pointed to the side of the knee and spot your self or something eye level to you. dont incline your head at all. keep youe stomach tight and hips under you. and cross your wrists but keep your elbows up infront of your belly button. dont let your arms touch you. practice forever. it takes a long time.

  2. 1 practice in rel eve and posse with out turning first. make sure u can balance for as long as a pirouette.

    2 when turning squeeze everything and think up not out.

    3 spot spot spot. u wont be going anywhere with Ur turn if you don't. whip it around as fast  as Ur can on a fixed point (find something in the room to spot on).

    4 point ya feet.

    5 think tall and stand straight. ( it helps trust me)


  3. The main thing is to SPOT, and to spin 'light'. weight transfer has to be quick and just stand as tall as possible.Good luck!:)

  4. okaay.

    you need to practice.

    you can practice un center doing pase and staying in balance for a long timee. to do this you need to move and place your arms like if u were going to do a pirroutee.

    then you can try doing very good pirroutes. just one first. remember to place you weight on the leg that is going to be standing on releve during the pirouttee.

    remeber that when turning you need to have a spot! it is veryy important.. focus very well on it.

    you can practice making some sutenus and using spots.


  5. remember not to release your supporting heel to early. if you swivel it you will throw your balance and then you won't get around the full way. use you opposite arm to gain force and momentum but not to much cause that will also throw your balance. remember quick spot, keep pulling up through the top of your head (feel like you are on a piece of string and someone is slowly pulling the string up and up and up, so you don't sink into it and come out of the turn to early!), feet planted, weight evenly distributed between both legs before you turn, don't drop your arms (if in first)... hopefully you will get it corrected and spot on soon! good luck and happy dancing! =)

  6. i used to have the same problem all i can really say is practice constently

  7. - you don't get dizzy

    - Stand tall

    - Center gravity

    - Elongate your back and neck


    Hope this helps ; )

  8. It is all about balance and squaring your body!  I havn't taken a dance class in two years and I can still do 5 pirouettes and it's because I have spent so much time learning where and how every part of my body needs to be.....pull up, spot, and keep on practicing you'll get it!

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