
Double Standards are not?

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Barbra Streisand urges Americans to cut back on their conspicuous consumption – while spending $22,000 a year to water her lawn, double standards?




  1. There are double standards everywhere, especially in Hollywood, they spend thousands on their lifestyles and would not even consider cutting back while urging others to cut back so that they can use as much as they want, I will use what I want to use. I also agree with the first poster, I am anti-green, not because I hate the earth, I hate the people that are telling me what I can or should do or not do.

    Barbra Streisand should get her nose shortened, she is taking in to much oxygen.

  2. Wow. 22,000 huh?

    I had no idea.

    And to think I was all upset about the 498,000,000,000 dollars and yet untold tens of thousands of civilian LIVES  that George W. Bush has wasted on his personal war in Iraq.

    How selfish of Babs - and me for that matter.

  3. Maybe she cut back from $32,000.

  4. Of course, hypocrites like her, Al Gore and all the other "green celebs" are the reason I am anti-green and intentionally try to create as much of a carbon footprint as possible.

  5. Barbra Streisand is another liberal Hollywood personality who wants everyone else to pay the price and conserve but thinks she is above the law.  She is constantly patting her own back while expecting those who are beneath her to worship the ground on which she walks and to hear the words that she speaks which really have no particular meaning. Al Gore is in the same camp; all the deceitfulness and story telling while he is a consumer of things that he tells others they shouldn't be using (SUV's, consuming huge amounts of fuel to fly around on his private jet; talking about the effects of greenhouse warming yet being proved wrong by many scientists.)  It's all a crock and I won't listen to any of it.  Barbra Streisand and her rantings are the same as her initials:  pure BS!!

  6. You simply do not understand from whence 'Barbara Noze' comes from ::: SHE IS a great supporter of the "Washington Liberal Politicians", and as such they ALL believe that 'THE STANDARD' is a blatant Double Standard' !

  7. Where have you been

    The liberal Left has nothing but hate, fear and hypocrisy, it is the whole being

  8. I agree that she's a hypocrite but at the same time people really should cut down on water consumption.  Look at Atlanta, they're going to be out of water in 3 months, do you want that to happen to you?

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