
Double Stroller Necessary?

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I have a son (pretty well behaved) who turns 3 in September. I am expecting a little girl in the beginning of October.

I was hoping to avoid using the double stroller. The storller I have will take her carseat and has a small stand on the back that my son can stand on.

I was wondering if you (or anyone you know) has kids around these ages and if you use a double stroller or not. Are you glad you choose to (or not to) purchase one?

I was thinking of maybe getting a double umbrella stroller. Do they make them? Have you tried them? Please help and keep in mind I am on a fairly small budget which is why I want to try and make a decision soon so I can save up a bit.




  1. I don't feel that this is necessary at all.  I own and run my own small in home day care.  I have a 2 year old, 22 month old, and a child who JUST turned 4.  I have a double stroller for the 2 youngest ones when necessary, however typically I can just have all 3 of the children walk and they are old enough to listen and do a good job of it. :)  Your 2 year old should be old enough to walk around with you and listen, especially since you said he is pretty well behaved.

    As far as a double umbrella stroller goes, they actually make attachments that you can buy to link 2 umbrella strollers together side by side.  Probably your cheapest option.  My double stroller was $120 brand new.

    Good luck!

  2. No, not necessary. I have seen mothers with toddlers and a newborn baby have their toddler walking beside them closely while they have a single small stroller for their newborn baby. I live in an area where the parents don't have a lot of money and there are a lot of stay-at-home mothers. I know of 2 mothers who have a toddler and newborn and they only have 1 single small stroller for their newborn while toddler walks beside them.

    A 2 1/2 year old and 3 year old and up doesn't really need a stroller. I put my 3 year old son in this exercise Jeep stroller to go for exercise walks, but it's really really hard because he's too big now. The stroller almost flips over with his weight esp when I'm going around a corner.

    Once helping a mother with 3 small children I pushed her stroller that was triple, 3 seats. It was very hard to push. This wasn't an expensive stroller. But the really really expensive strollers probably make it easier to push 3 kids all at once.

  3. My kids were the same ages. Here's what I did. You can usually get an umbrella stroller for very cheap.  Get 2 umbrella strollers. There is a little thing that connects 2 of the same size umbrella strollers. It costs about $10.  It's at Babiesrus in the stroller accessories section. Handy for when completely necessary for the bigger kid and the umbrella strollers take up no space. Didn't have to use it much, but it got me out of a bind once or twice when the bigger kid was sleeping

  4. I wouldn't make the investment. I used one once with a friend. We both had the same umbrella stroller and she had these clips that hooked that kind of stroller into a double (don't know where she found them though) and it was a pain in the neck to manuever and use- though it seemed great at the time. Her daughter was 3 at the time and my son was about 6 months.  I'll NEVER do it again.

    If your oldest is going to be 3 I'd say skip it.  They won't be using a stroller long enough from here on out to be worth the investment of a double- and there is no super cheap ones that I've found.   If you're worried your 3 year old preschooler will be too active and run off alot you can always tie a ribbon or piece of cord to the side of the stroller with a loop on one end and teach him to hold it while you walk to stay with you.

  5. I would.  When I take just two of my three for long shopping trips it is nice.  If you spend hours at a mall or go for long walks it is useful so that they can rest or take naps.  Graco dou glider is large enough to put up to 2  infant carriers in or one and still have a good seat for the older one plus as they get older you can put stuff it better.  I was a good kid to and I used a stroller until I was almost in 4th grade.  Get a good one I love my Graco and would suggest it plus when you are done with it is a great yard sale or hand me down item.

  6. I am NOT a mom yet but i am a "mothers helper" for one of my dads' friends. she has 4 kids. A 2 year old, a 4 year old, a 6 year old, and a 8 year old. she babysits a 2 year old and a 9  month old. she has a double stroller and both 2 year olds sit in it she has the babys' car seat on the top, and she has one of those leash things for the 4 and 6 year olds....she ataches it to the stroller or she gives them to me...depending on if i'm there that day or not......she could not go anywhere without the stroller...she said even when it is just her kids she puts her 2 year old and her 4 year old in the stroller she has her 6 year old on the leash and hopes her 8 year old listens..(he is not well behaved...but obviosly knows how to take the leash off) she loves the stroller and says it is a life i would suggest the stroller.! good luck!

  7. I was going to get one for my children, since they had about the same age spread as yours, but, about the time my second was born, my oldest decided she wanted to walk.  Sure, she threw a fit about the baby having the stroller, but she would only stay in it for 5-10 minutes before she wanted to walk.

    I also considered the stand-on strollers, but opted out of these as well because my oldest would outgrow them so quickly.

    I ended up using my single stroller, and just kept reminding my oldest that she needed to "help me push" by holding onto the side.  When the baby decided, at about 20 months, that she didn't want to ride in the stroller either, or hold my hand, for that matter, I was really glad I didn't go to the expense.

    I traded the diaper bag for a backpack, attached ribbon in a loop on both straps, and now they walk with me holding on to the loops, and gave up my stroller.  They are both pretty good about not letting go.  For longer walks, I use a wagon, where one or the other "helps" me pull it more often than not.

    I should add, though, that I am not a big mall goer, or a fitness walker.  Our big trips include the zoo and the science museum, which are not nearly as crowded as the typical mall.  If you do go to crowded places a lot, you may want to buy one of those backpack harnesses for your son, kinda like a leash, just to make sure he stays close and doesn't get separated for you.  The kids I know who have these think they are the coolest thing, because they look just like a stuffed animal backpack.

    As to your question about double umbrella strollers, they do make them, but they are really hard to find.  When I was looking, they cost a pretty penny, but not as much as a typical double stroller.  The reviews I read made it sound like they don't handle as well, and they might be too little for your son.

  8. My son was 19 months old when his baby brother was born and he too, was well behaved.  I initially didn't get a double stroller either.  After a few months I realized there was no way to be without one and got one at Toys R Us, a Graco Duo Glider, on clearance for $112.  I am SO glad I got it and wish I would have done so immediately.  It makes going places much less stressful.   You can try Craigslist, garage sales or check clearance racks too.  Think about what you are going to be using it for, if you will be taking it to the mall at all, get one that is long instead of wide or you can't maneuver through clothes racks.

  9. A 3-year old shouldn't require a stroller anymore or at least there is no way I could get mine to want to sit in one at that age!  I don't think you'll need a double stroller.

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