
Double bareback canter?

by  |  earlier

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so me and my barn friend would like to canter my horsey, Koda, double bareback tomrrow morning! :] we've done lots of double trotting and we think were gonna step up to double bareback! i've cantered bareback on him and he's great! but what do u think we can do to get ready for double bareback canter?

plussss. we'll be blasting music!!! hehee. oh yess. nothing likk going to the barn at 8:30 in the morning before the barn opens, 10 mins before u have to work, doubling bareback on ur new horse with ur bestest friend! :D




  1. its a bit risky.

    i've had my horse Duke forever.. and ride him in rescue race. and he still pops a few bucks here and there. and hes dead broke, been broke..

    i say go for it. only because i say that is because your going to do it anyway =D your a teenager, and i would have done the same thing. dont listen to these "oh NO! DO NOT!" answers. just do it and see what happens. So what if he bucks? just wear a helmet.

  2. my friend and i galloped bareback double the first day we rode double. and that was on a horse around 14.3  (prolly not the smartest idea galloping.. but it was so fun and he wasnt sore)

    i would say just go for it, he's big enough to where it wont hurt him and if you've ridden double at the trot, a canter should be simple ;)

    enjoy riding

  3. as long as your horse dose not abject and you both can already ride barebck at the canter you sould do fine! it will be harder for the person in back though...GOOD LUCK p.s.make sure your in a area 4 a soft landing!!

  4. me and my best friend do it all the time also e love bareback double :)

    we always ride in about a 20 meter sircle (were usualy in her yard) but staying on a circle makes it so you never have to shift your balance and your always staying constant. the rider in front holds onto the mane and the rider in the back holds onto the reins, we do this because usualy the rider in the back feels uncomfertable and insecure so having the reins will make you feel more under control, then the front rider gets the mane to make themselves secure.

    have a blast, double bareback is a bunch of fun!!!

  5. As long as your horse can hold you up. My pony had trouble doubling me and my friend 3years ago. he was 13.2 and we weighed about 30kg each (were 14 now)

    but it should be fine and as brittany said dont lean over to far :P

    have fun

    your horse that big and your weights compared is pretty light so it should be a breeze for your horse. So have fun and best of luck

    One thing i forgot to mention; What the point in living if you dont take risks :)

  6. lol ive done it make sure your comfortable and have really good belance. my friend and i fell off a couple of times. Its worth it though and the music is a good touch.

  7. Well, I've done that before with my friends... and it's not too hard if ya'll both have really good balance.  Also your horse can't be turning sharp or you'll both be fallin' off!!!!  

    Just try to (for the person on the back) to hold on more with your legs rather than holding onto the person on front.  Cuz it's alot easier for the person on back to lose their balance..  and if they're holding on front.... well..... splat!!!

    Have fun tomorrow!!!

  8. Just do it...there's no getting ready for can either do it, or not.  Is the horse ready for it?  The only leg bone fracture I ever sustained in my many years of horsin' around happened when I rode double on a horse that decided he didn't care for it.

  9. I have cantered,jumped,walked,trotted with to people bare back. it is soooo fun, but be carful with jumping! i love doing that on the horse i lease!

  10. sounds like fun!

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