
Double $ on holidays???

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i work for an indirect sprint store in illinois. i usually work 34h a week monday to sunday. Friends tell me that i have to get payed double on holidays or at least time and a half and my boss never told me anything about my pay on holidays or overtime, but she had me working the last 4th of july. should i be getting payed more on holidays???

and should i be getting payed more for working over time too???

plz help!!




  1. you need smarter friends, there is no law that says you must be paid double time for anything

  2. your friends don't know what they are talking about.

    overtime is over 40 hours in a workweek(which is set by the employer)

    there is no law that requires extra pay for holidays.

    benefits of all types are set by the employers policies.

    see this website for answers about Illinois labor laws

  3. There is no law requiring extra pay for holidays - although some employers voluntarily pay it, it isn't required.

    How do you figure that you are working overtime?  By federal law you must be paid time and a half for overtime, but that's for hours over 40 in a week - that's actual WORK time, and doesn't include any paid or unpaid time off.

  4. Overtime only kicks in when you work more than 40 hours a week,  There is no law about holiday pay, so unless working on a holiday takes you over the 40 hours per week, they can pay you straight time.

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