
Double question- global Warming? 2012? please read...?

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I never believed global warming was 'man made' and i was never sure about what was happening in the 2012 theory.

but I done some reserch anyway, Nasa is amongst many who say Global warming is NOT man made and 2012 is significant for the following reasons.

Nasa say in these exact words....

the truth is obvious for those that care to see it. The Earth has been warming for 13,000 years with periodic short-term cold spells. However, solar output is the forcing mechanism behind global warming and the 5th Sun is intimately tied to that phenomenon. What does the end of the 5th Sun really mean?

the sun’s output is going to change. We are going to enter the flip side of a new 13,000 year cycle. The earth is overheated and so is the sun, the result being planetary instability manifested in rising earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and erratic weather patterns.

These will increase further starting from 2004. The volcanic ash will create more and more cloud cover and that will begin to cool the planet down. Venus in Transit acts like a circuit breaker switching off the sunspot cycle and impacting the Sun-Moon-Earth-Venus system. This appears to have happened just prior to the previous two ‘little ice ages’ which occurred between 1645 -1720, and again in 1761-‘69.

The Transit of Venus as predicted by the Mayan Calandar will occur again in 2012 which will be the begining of radically diminished solar activity and a new mini ice age, a prolonged period of change will be ushered in by the 2004 – 2012 ‘passage’. It will culminate in the galactic alignment and complete the precessional cycle at that point.

The transit of Venus was an important divinatory alignment factored into the Maya calendar.

This is just the very short version but basicaly it simply says that the Mayans worked everything around the planet Venus, in 2012 venus will be acting in such a way that it will stop solar sun spots which will cause a 'mini ice age' and the planet will start to cool down which also proves that global warming isnt man made because if it was then why are reputable scientists and astronomers predicting an ice age?

I am interested in hearing your thoughts.




  1. I do not believe for a second that this is a quote from NASA. If you're sure it is, please give a link, or a source.

    EDIT: Well, I took this from NASA site:

    "A majority of climatologists have concluded that human activities are responsible for most of the warming. Human activities contribute to global warming by enhancing Earth's natural greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect warms Earth's surface through a complex process involving sunlight, gases, and particles in the atmosphere. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases.

    The main human activities that contribute to global warming are the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and the clearing of land. Most of the burning occurs in automobiles, in factories, and in electric power plants that provide energy for houses and office buildings. The burning of fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide, whose chemical formula is CO2. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that slows the escape of heat into space. Trees and other plants remove CO2 from the air during photosynthesis, the process they use to produce food. The clearing of land contributes to the buildup of CO2 by reducing the rate at which the gas is removed from the atmosphere or by the decomposition of dead vegetation."

    Didn't see anything about Venus and Mayans.

    EDIT II: I have looked properly. I looked on their site, then used google to search their site. How about you just post a link?

    EDIT III: nope, still nothing. The closest it came awas saying nothing would happen on 2012, and the following:

    "There is at least one web page which links that transit to the Maya Calendar, "End of the 5th Sun" at but its explanation seems somewhat muddled."

    The referenced site is faux-science, and of no real merit. It also came up when I searched google for some of the passages you give above; whilst this paper does indeed reference a NASA paper, if you read the actual NASA paper, it comes to radically different conclusions.

    I call shenanigans. You say, "NASA says in these exact words" - well, link them.

    EDIT IV: that is not NASA saying it. They;'ve linked to the site I mention above, and describe his explanation as 'somewhat muddled'. This is generous. I would describe it as 'bat**** crazy'.

    And thus, I conclude, NASA never said ANY SUCH THING. This passage is lifted from a crackpot website named diagnosis2012, not from NASA at all.

    EDIT V: if you wish to believe in cod science produced by untrained amateurs on a conspiracy site, rather than in the hard and tireless research undertaken by genuine scientists - go right ahead. It's a free world. Had you said 'I read a rambling discourse about 2012 on a site of no academic value', I would not have answered. The part I object to is your crediting this outlandish dross to NASA, when it's clearly and demonstrably nothing to do with them.

    Here's what diagnosis2012 have to say about their own work;

    "This prediction originates in widely-spread cultures from around the world, in ancient prophecies and in modern altered states of consciousness! "

    Ie, they've gleaned the sum of their knowledge from pagan cults and stoned hippies.

    Take that, Science!

    Do I get 10 points? ;)

  2. Well I don't think the scientist take in consideration of all the asphalt concrete shingled roofs plus all of the radio active materials dumped into the oceans by third world countries which all create heat which  could be what is heating this earth. The earth and all of its plant life the grasses flowers ect. are a natural cooling system for which when the winds go across the plant life it is naturally cooled because they contain moisture, but when the winds go across all of the asphalt concrete and roof tops it is heated up.  

  3. It still sounds like stuff from an astrology site not astronomy.

  4. It is over-populations that is casing all the problems - but no one seems able to make the connection.

    I work at NASA - they are idiots.

    Weren't the Mayans cannibals?

  5. NASA did not say what you just posted. That's just another version of the Mayan end of the world hoax. There is no physical way that Venus could affect sunspots on the sun-- Venus is a little smaller than Earth-- 7500 miles in diameter    and about 67 MILLION miles from the sun!

    It would take 1,000,000 Earth's to fill up the sun! and you could line up 100 Earth's side by side across the sun!

  6. i have never herd that theory but it backs everything that i have ever sed theory is that as humans we have not bin on this earth that long to no how the earths cycle works and the man made globe worming theory is made up by governments to put more tax's in place  

  7. Wow! I always thought of Global Warming as a us humans faults, but now I'm not so sure. I've always been the one who likes to know the science of things. Now I think I understand "Global Warming" much better. My question now is should we still recycle things or help "save the planet?"

    So humans are contributing? I guess both sides are right then. It's natural, but we are contributing.

    Thanks for the site! That's a really good source!

  8. oh woww.. i learned a lot from this. thanks for posting. (:

  9. In the month of August there were no solar flares as reported by the National Solar observatory. That had not been seen since June 1913, the fact that the sun is going into a less active period would suggest global cooling. Global cooling could be more devastating than global warming for a number of reasons, for example less food and less rain. I will put a link where you can read or listen for yourself.

  10. Long question

    I also got a long answer on 2012 ,at least the beginning is .

    there are over 100 links buried in this page

    on the other hand i am a bit wary of NASA they are free mason run and that is behind the new World Order ,they have their own Agenda and motives for saying things ,not always kosher.

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