
Double standard for children and adults

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When a teenager has a child out of wedlock, it completely unacceptable, but when an adult has a child out of wedlock, it's acceptable. It's really not fair. Isn't it wrong for a kid and an adult for having children out of wedlock?




  1. The problem is with society's view of a child.  A child is supposed to be innocent and untouched until adulthood.  Because of the age we consider a child an adult, children are fertile well before that.  When a child becomes pregnant and has a child, it is obvious to all that children are not innocent and untouched for as long as we accept they are.  In the past, children (usually girls) were wed and bearing children 5 to 10 years before we presently accept.  On the other hand, the opportunities available to all children between l6 and 21, are narrowed with parenthood.  For example, college, job, travel.

    When an adult has a child, in or out of wedlock, they have more resources available to them.

  2. It's wrong for both if there is no means to support the baby.  Most teenagers cannot do it on their own and aren't mature enough or emotionally ready...same for some adults.  I personally think that people should be in a committed healthy adult relationship before having children and a teenager can not have that.

  3. It's not an issue of "right or wrong", so much as an issue of concern for the wellbeing of those involved. If a teen becomes pregnant then it is the teen and the baby that need help.  If an adult becomes pregnant then (hopefully) they have a job and a means of supporting the child, so it's not as big of a worry or burden to the family and society.

  4. As an "adult" (23 years old) who is going to be having a child out of wedlock in November, I feel that I have no right to pass judgment on anyone else in this situation.  I'm lucky, my boyfriend is supportive and we've been together for 3.5 years.  Many other girls and women in my situation aren't so lucky.  Everybody makes mistakes and everybody pays for them eventually.

  5. I agree that it should be unacceptable by both standards. However, the reason that it is more acceptable for an adult is because adults clearly know the consequences of their actions and are more likely to take responsibility for them.

    They are also more financially and emotionally stable and capable of caring for a child than a teenager.

  6. i think it more comes down to age than just double standards. Many also frown when adults have kids out of wedlock too

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