
Double standards, Or something far more repugnant ?

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So, a plane lands at an airport in the UK carrying a Israeli General suspected of war crimes and for whom there has been an International arrest warrent issued, which our Police & securtiy forcies are well aware of and what happens...

They let him go with no attempt to arrest him made !!

The reason for this overwhelming act of generosity is that they did not want to run the risk of a confrontation with the on-board Air Marshall's.

Yeah ok then.

Why the feck was this suspected War Criminal allowed to leave ?


BBC News .




  1. Air Marshalls and his security forces, certianly not a walkover....

  2. Heres a bit of a link to help fill the gaps ;)

    I'll go along with Saturnfive in this instance. How the h**l can police be worried about the sky marshalls on board. Were they going to shoot it out in a blaze of glory?

    Get real. Britain just didnt want to stomach the repurcussions that would have occured. Personally if thats the case, why did they allow his plane to land in the first place?

  3. shame i'd love see a jewish war criminal on trial :D

  4. Did he strap a bomb onto his child and send it into a crowd of Palastinian children? I guess you don't consider that a war crime.

    Double standard my foot! The UN and their leftist supporters like Anmesty International,  Human Rights Watch and the International Red Cross which moves terrorists from place to place with their ambulances are anti-Israeli and that's that. They lied about massacres that never happened so now we supposed to believe and even arrest someone. What bunch of pro-Palestinians is it this time? We are witnessing the opening salvos in a new Jewish holocaust. We won't deserve forgiveness if we let it happen again. And after the Jews are gone they will come affter me.

  5. Because he was tipped off by the Government !

    Had it actually been a police decision they could simply have grounded the plane and got him that way.

  6. Why do so many fools still believe the BBC?

    It would only be a double standard if the British police tried to arrest Palestinian terrorists.

    I don't recall the police trying to arrest Arafart. They could have had him for mass-murder, fraud, theft and child molestation.

  7. Obviously because he was an Israeli suspected war criminal, would you really expect anything else from our government ? !

  8. Because the police would rather tackle unarmed plumbers in tube stations.

  9. cos hes israeli?

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