
Double standards ....WTF? ?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short I went to the movies with some friends last night

& I forgot to take permission (from my mom) & issh

i don't get the big deal cause my mom knows my friends mom

[their like bff's] ...........

&& cause it was a late showing (9:20pm) supposevly.. so basically my mom brokedown & yelled at my friend cuz of that ..uGH!

anywho? it doesn't make sense cause my older brother was out until 4:am (the other day) WTFUCKKK? ...double standards (to the ******* fullest)...

For intense if i was out that late I would be ******* DIED ....

my mom would hunt me down ... no lie..

what should i do? I'm going crazy?

(& im grounded for LIFE....)




  1. I'm sorry its just the way it goes.

    because your a girl your mum will be more on your case about staying out late because of pedo's and rapists.

    but because your brother is older and a boy he can get away with it.

  2. understand the view point of your mother. she loves, and cares for you and wants nothing bad to happen to you. I dont think its your friends your moms worried about, I think its all the messed up people out there. She would die for you, so you would never have to go in front of harms way. Just try to understand. And I guess she probably thinks there is not many people that will harm a guy instead of a girl.

  3. Tell her (as calmly and maturely as possible) that you feel she is treating you and your brother with double standards, and give her examples of her behaviour. Tell her you expect to be treated equally, and when you're older and rebellious, it will be her fault.

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