
Double trouble!?

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I am expecting twins in 7 weeks time. I have left their dad for personal reasons and live on my own. I have my parents near by, as well as loads of friends who will help out. Any tips on how to successfully and as stress free as possible, run our daily lives?




  1. Its much easier to feed them together! either side by side to each other proped up 1 each side, my twins r 14mths now, i breast fed them for 7wks as my milk dried up, and i would say get the lightest buggy u can, mine liked to top and tail in a cot i would also say if u want a good nites sleep stick to feeds every 4hrs not feed on demand, me and my twins father split when i was pregnant, i did it totally on my own too!!! It is hard work, i would say they were great until about 9mths old, the older they get there harder work they are!!!! I also went bk to work when they were 6mths old although only 2days a wk! only now they r starting to learn that they can hit each other etc and sometimes even play nice lol mine are very busy (both boys) my GP health visior etc all say wow where do the get the energy and the key to it all is routine and not lat people carry them around all day u only have 2 hands!!! where as if family or friends come to visit they will constantly be picked up, mine were and when i was alone with washing and cleaning feeding etc they wanted to be constantly carried and you just cant do it! also if people want to help ask them to do the iorning or washing or stick the hoover over lol may be cheeky but its better for them to do that as with 2 babies u only get 1/2 the time with them as u would with singletons. GOOD LUCK

  2. Definitely set up a routine as soon as they are born. Naps at certain times, feeding etc. Even though they are so young, this will help them and you settle into a routine that you can rely on. When they nap, you nap as well as you are going to be very very tired looking after them the majority of the time. If you are going to breast feed, express some milk to have ready if the relatives are going to be looking after them. I have found that if you know basically how your day is going to run, you are calmer and more in control. There are always times when it won't run smoothly of course, but don't panic, as long as they are warm, fed and clean you will be ok.

  3. All i can say is best of luck and always have a routine set up as soon as they come home ..i am not going to lie its the toughest thing when twins are newborn and i had my partner there ..when they sleep i would say you sleep too or get a Friend to come and do a load of washing and bottles just to keep up on top of things and if you have a routine then it just becomes like clockwork and it will be OK ...i know my twins are 10 now and their baby years just flew by ...enjoy them and best of luck x

  4. i can imagine its guna be very tuff

    all i can say iz... gd luck

  5. just get on with it i would say as once htose babies arrive you won`t have time to think ,and as they are twins it may be sooner than 7 weeks.. its busy with one baby andtoddlers or other children i know but when you have 2 at the same time then i am sure you will be busy enough... if you do find that you have extra time on your hands then pamper yourself.. even if its nice smellies in the bath it helps.. good luck..

  6. All I can say is GOOD LUCK! It will probably be easier than you think. Once you get into a routine every thing will fall into place. Its stressful being a new parent and realizing you dont have time to take a c**p sometimes so just let everyone who offers help. Little things make big differences. If you need to, its perfectly ok to put the babies in their crib and let them cry for a few minutes while you try to regain your sanity. It sounds like you already have a good start by being close to friends and family who will help. Thats about all you will need other than of course the baby's essentials.

  7. Always accept help!  Routines are the best way to deal with it.  Be sure to always find a way to get time to yourself so you don't get stressed out.  All mothers need this, especially after you bring them home.  If you get overwhelmed PLEASE call somebody to help out and give you a break.  Letting yourself get stressed out is not fair to yourself or the babies.

  8. I would make sure everything is organised the day before for the next day, do the bottles before bedtime and make sure the milk powder is in its portions, you could breast feed one and bottle feed the other, then rotate each baby at either feed, as for sleep, make sure when your perents come round to help, they have everthing laid out for them, then go to have a sleep, make sure you make it clear to your parents that what you need, but don't forget to say thank you, as for your freinds show them what you want, people are not mind readers, I know this is quite harsh, but unless you say they do not know and you end up being frustrated

    Hope this helps
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