
Double vision, where to go next?

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Last april I started having double vision. So bad I walked into the Men's room twice because I couldn't read the sign right and a lady at work gave me a $10 and I gave her change for a $100. I went to the student health clinic and they sent me to an optamologist. She said that it looked to her like cronic dry eye but sent me to a neurologist to be safe. I had an MRI and a acital coline test which all came back fine. The neurologist did the typical tests for MS and didn't think that was it. He agreed with the optamologist that it was probibly dry eye. I have been using OTC eye drops for months now and I am still getting double vision. It is more often in the evening or when I am reading or working on the computer. What do you think I should do next? Does this sound like dry eye? Is there a better eye drop I should ask for? Thanks!




  1. Double vision can be a sign of serious conditions but it sounds like you were thoroughly checked by the ophthalmologist and neurologist.  

    I would visit an optometrist to see if you have a tendency for an eye turn (strabismus) and to see if glasses would benefit you.  They will need to know all your medical history so be sure to explain to them your situation and that you have already been to see a neurologist.

    Good luck

  2. Double vision can be cause by farsightedness, diabetes, highblood pressure and many other things.  I would talk to your Dr about it to make sure you don't have any other health problems that may be causing it.

  3. Sounds like a binocular problem, like a convergence insufficiency.  This means your eyes cannot come together enough for single vision, especially up close (which would explain why it is worse when you read or work on the computer).  Your ophthalmologist should have tested for this; I suggest asking her about it.  An ophthalmologist or an optometrist would be able to help you if this ends up being the problem.  Good luck.

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