
Doubles and mixed doubles in tennis not as popular as singles because tv sponsors are shying away from it?

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Doubles and mixed doubles in tennis not as popular as singles because tv sponsors are shying away from it?




  1. Just not thrilling enough for general public. It's a fast game, and can be fun. Especially, the high ranking players games have more depth. More viewers, better for doubles. Yes, TV 's after their ranking. Money rules.

  2. No, its because its much more boring than singles matches. Much less play and much shorter rallies. There are no incredible long points with amazing gets that are displayed especially in mens singles

  3. TV sponsors are looking for ratings. In the U.S., the only tennis you'll find (outside of The Tennis Channel), are the four Grand Slams and the occassional Masters Series match. If there's a Davis Cup match featuring the U.S. team, it'll be shown. Olympic tennis will be shown, but only focusing on matches featuring Americans and/or big names.

    When a match in a grand slam is played, American television places priorities on top names (such as Federer, Nadal, Djovokic, Ivanovic, Sharapova) and on the Americans.

    During Wimbledon, there were only two doubles' matches shown. They were the womens' semi-finals and womens' finals. Both, oddly enough, featuring the Williams' sisters.

    Most Americans could care less about tennis. So to keep ratings up and to keep it reasonable to air any tennis matches, the tv stations focus on the big matches featuring the same twenty or so names.

    Doubles and mixed doubles, especially towards the final rounds of tournaments, rarely feature the big names. Yes, the Bryan brothers are big. Yes, they are American. However, if the average American was asked about a doubles team, they'd probably go, 'huh? I dunno,' and go on to do something else.

    I hope that answers your question!

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