
Doubt about aboriginals

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Hey i wonder why aboriginals and other aussies look different and follow different cultures,

Aboriginals are dark skinned and bare chested. Is it their national dress? while Aussies are fair and they dress normal.

What is the profession and life style of Aboriginals? Do they go to college and work?

Thanks in adv.




  1. Where are you from? please don't expect any one to answer such offensive questions.  

  2. They are nice peoples.

    I don't care whether they are naked or not.

  3. The indigenous (or 'aboriginal') australians are a different colour simply because they are a different race to the anglo saxon (or 'white') Australian.      The Aboriginies have been living in australia for thousands and thousands of years before us white people decided to migrate here from the European countries.      Before we came along, their traditional ('national') dress was all natural materials. They lived off the land and wore animal skins for warmth and naturally coloured minerals and plant matter as their fashion accessories.

    When the Europeans came however, they (we) forced almost all of the aboriginals to try and become like us, they were used as slaves and children were taken away from their families to become "civilised" workers. It was a horrible time for the aboriginal society. These people are know known as the 'stolen generation', and although it's been a long time in some ways... because it affected their whole race, some are still finding it hard to recover from the blow to their culture.

    Many aboriginals are living very poorly compared to white people, for reasons still arising after the generations of segregation (racism). The high rate of homelessness and alcoholism is probably what has given you this "bare chested" impression, but things are improving. As others have said- there are many who are extremely successfull in our western style of living, and there are even programs in the outback to give them the opportunity to re-learn about their traditions. (because the government banned their 'national' (traditional teachings) for a long time too.

    I hope this has cleared up some mis-conceptions you've had, don't worry about the angry answers. It's just still a touchy subject in this country because there were alot of awfull things done by our people in the last few hundred years to the aboriginals.

    You should have a look at google before this site though, It knows alot more than i'm gona bother writing.  

  4. As above

    But also did you know that indigenous Australians are the oldest culture in the world!

    So yeah a bit odd that they would still be half nude! (tongue in cheek- look that up too).

  5. No offence should be taken by anyone. It is a genuine question. Too many people jump on the racist bandwagon in this whining country, when they should pull their head out of their backsides and read the question for what it is. Obviously the Aboriginals have been here for around 40 to 60 thousand years. Us white fellas have been here from the convict times (From England) around 200 years or so. We generallu live the same lifestyles, except for some remote communities. Most people have the same opportunities here. Hope this helps.

  6. Aborigines were natives of Australia before the British started sending penal colonies there.  That's why they look different and have different cultures.

  7. The white Australians are descendents of the British/European races, that's why we're fair skinned. Indigenous Australians are dark skinned as made by Mother Nature, well suited to the Australian climate. However, the Indigenous people are no longer bare chested, and have achieved greatness/success through their own hard work. White and Black Australians live together in harmony in most instances. I myself have many aboriginal friends. They are quite shy by nature and have a great sense of humour.  It's a pity the white Australians haven't truly embraced the aboriginal culture or language.  

  8. pshhh! What kind of question is this? Whos gonna answer this.... Not me! But i just got 2 points for stating my opinion

  9. There are many successful Aboriginal Australians out there... who are even more successful than people like you who asks questions like this.

    If you're gonna judge people by their skin colour then get a life?

    What makes you think white people don't get talked about?

    EDIT: After reading your addtional detail, I apologise for the misunderstanding as it is not uncommon to see a few people who are really racist from time to time.

    I just suppose indigenous people do not see the need for clothing not because they are stupid or anything it's that what they see as acceptable may not be for us but this is fair enough. We should respect that. After all, no one's perfect to anyone right?

  10. Wow.. Ignorant. Read a book or something.. Or use google.

    Australia is a multicultural country, we have people from everywhere.. All different colours and shapes..  

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