
Down syndrome is a result of polyploidy?

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Down syndrome is a result of polyploidy?




  1. False , polyploidy means 3n, 4n, 5n.  

    Down syndrome results in the addition or subtraction of one chromosome, there for it is Aneuploidy and more specifically under that group it is  trisomy which is 2n+1.  The  downsyndrome condition is reffered to a (47, +21 condition) which symply means there are a total of 47 chromosmes, 46 is the normal number, and +21 means there is an extra chromosme #21.

    For you Aneuploidy should do justice!

  2. Not exactly  polyploidy  but presence of an extra chromosome leads to Down Syndrome.

  3. The technical term is "Trisomy 21" for the following reason:

    Many errors can occur during cell division. In meiosis, the pairs of chromosomes are supposed to split up and go to different spots in the dividing cell; this event is called "disjunction." However, occasionally one pair doesn't divide, and the whole pair goes to one spot. This means that in the resulting cells, one will have 24 chromosomes and the other will have 22 chromosomes. This accident is called "nondisjunction." If a sperm or egg with an abnormal number of chromosomes merges with a normal mate, the resulting fertilized egg will have an abnormal number of chromosomes. In Down syndrome, 95% of all cases are caused by this event: one cell has two 21st chromosomes instead of one, so the resulting fertilized egg has three 21st chromosomes. Hence the scientific name, trisomy 21. Recent research has shown that in these cases, approximately 90% of the abnormal cells are the eggs. The cause of the nondisjunction error isn't known, but there is definitely connection with maternal age. Research is currently aimed at trying to determine the cause and timing of the nondisjunction event.

    Three to four percent of all cases of trisomy 21 are due to Robertsonian Translocation. In this case, two breaks occur in separate chromosomes, usually the 14th and 21st chromosomes. There is rearrangement of the genetic material so that some of the 14th chromosome is replaced by extra 21st chromosome. So while the number of chromosomes remain normal, there is a triplication of the 21st chromosome material. Some of these children may only have triplication of part of the 21st chromosome instead of the whole chromosome, which is called a partial trisomy 21. Translocations resulting in trisomy 21 may be inherited, so it's important to check the chromosomes of the parents in these cases to see if either may be a "carrier."

    The remainder of cases of trisomy 21 are due to mosaicism. These people have a mixture of cell lines, some of which have a normal set of chromosomes and others which have trisomy 21. In cellular mosaicism, the mixture is seen in different cells of the same type. In tissue mosaicism, one set of cells, such as all blood cells, may have normal chromosomes, and another type, such as all skin cells, may have trisomy 21.


    So, as the first person wrote, not polyploidy...

  4. Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21 is not polyploidy. It is characterized by the presence of an extra chromosome 21 making the number of chromosome of the individual 47. This is most likely a cause of faulty cell division and random mutations.

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