
Down to 8 names? Which should we choose????

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My wife and I are having a beautiful baby girl later in life. We've been waiting so long for a child, and we can't wait for our beautiful baby girl to come into the woooooooorld!!!!!!!! We don't even want to wait to say Jack Robinson!!! Here are our top 8 choices. Which ones do you like the best? Why? Which ones do you like the least? Why? Thank you for your opinions.

Diary Passion

Love Patrice

Halibut Patricia

Elfie Rose

Nemo Prescott

Momo Stitch

Turkish Marie

Shadow Fruit




  1. out of them?? Id have to say Elfie Rose

    The others are just bad

  2. I love Shadow Fruit thats beautiful...

    then Diary Passion and Love Patrice  they are lovely names the world would be boring if we all had the same boring names like Jack & Emma.

    Good Luck.


  3. Please tell me you are kidding!!

    Diary Passion- sounds like a hooker name

    Love Patrice- little out there

    Halibut -isn't that a fish

    Elfie- something I would name a cat'

    Nemo- Fish

    Momo- what can i say about that

    Turkish- the kids would gobble at her all the time

    Shadow Fruit- something I would name a dog

    Would you want to walk around with those names?  Why would you want to punish your child that way?

  4. Those are the stupidest names I ever heard.  Why do that to your child. But whatever.

    Love Patrice

    Nemo Prescott  

  5. I think:

    Passion Fruit sounds the

    Just my opinion....

  6. I hate them all.  They are all terrible names.

    Even worse, I hate that you're wasting everyone's time with questions like these.

  7. Wow, those are some unusual names, though I won't be harsh like the others.

    I think these are cute (not that I would use them, but of your choices):

    Diary Passion

    Love Patrice

    Elfie Rose

    Also, my least favorites are Halibut and Fruit

  8. is this a joke--honestly--those names i would not give to my dog. let alone a child. if i were you two i would rethink your options!!! omg!

  9. love Patrice the b3st because no one has that name the least is Shadow Fruit.

  10. these names are quite odd together but have you ever considered:

    Patricia Rose, Marie Rose or Patricia Love.  

  11. I hope this is a joke.

  12. I think your names are terrible, seeing as they're not suitable for a cute little girl, but I think Elfie Rose is best out of them all. How about Eppie Rose instead, or Aofie (effie) Rose as well? Sorry I had to say that, I just don't want your daughter picked on.

  13. If this is a real question, then I feel very sorry for this little girl who you claim to love so much.  She'll will be teased her entire life for her name.  All eight on the list are awful.

  14. i hate all the names!

  15. Diary Passion -> maybe for a book titile -> no

    Love Patrice -> Patrice is ugly -> no

    Halibut Patricia -> Halibut sounds like you're calling her butt -> no

    Elfie Rose -> Sounds cute but still... not something I would want to name a child

    Nemo Prescott -> isn't she a girl? -> no

    Momo Stitch -> sounds pathetic -> no

    Turkish Marie -> is she Turkish? Makes her sound like a wannabe pirate, too -> no

    Shadow Fruit -> just sounds plain ridiculous, and anyways shadow and fruit just don't go together -> no

  16. You seriously have GOT to be kidding with these names!

  17. Well here are the ones that I think would work

    Diary Passion(maybe change the middle name?)

    Love Patrice

    Elfie Rose

    Shadow Fruit(but not the middle name,make the middle name something girlie, since the first name doesnt sound very girly)

    Shadow Mae

    Shadow Marie

    Shadow Faye

    Shadow Leigh

    Hope I helped and congrats :)

  18. "Please be respectful about your opinion, as it is a little girl's identity that is at stake."

    YES. That is exactly the point. That's why we are appalled with your choices. You are naming a human being, not a dog or pet fish.

    A *cuuuuute widdle babbie girl* that will grow into a woman and eventually be elderly.

    A 67-year-old woman named Shadow Fruit. Lovely. Well, actually I'm sure that if you name her any of the above, she'll legally change her name when she turns 18.

    What is wrong with Patricia Rose? Patricia Marie. The only one I could remotely see on a human being is Elfie Rose.

  19. Your child Will be teased with all of those names.

  20. Are you serious?

    The only name I like (actually love) on that list is Love, minus the middle name

    I knew a girl named Love Leigh (or Love Lee)

    The others are comical, this must be a joke!

  21. Now, this is just my opinion. I am sure you put much thought into those names, but if I were to name my baby girl any of those names I would be thinking of the harassment she would be getting from other kids(school, activities, camp etc.)  Young kids can be really harsh at certain ages. I would hate to see your "beautiful baby girl" get teased in school over a name. Which than can cause drastic changes in self esteem, that can lead to a number of things. Just something you might want to consider.  

  22. my favorite is Love Patrice. Love is such a beautiful name. Pattie would be a cute nickname.

    a name i really like that also has the name love in it is Jolene Love. i think it sounds beautiful. just a suggestion

    my least favorites are Momo Stitch & Nemo Prescott. one, because Momo sounds like a nickname and stich is a  disney character from the movie Lilo and Stitch, and is an alien. Nemo because Nemo is a fish from a disney movie, and prescott is too masculine

    congrats on your baby girl =) good luck !

    Turkish Marie kind of sounds pretty also

  23. Elfie Rose is cute. I like that one the best.

  24. I think the name Love is stupid but my name is Patrice Diane (I prefer Trice) so I'd pick Love Patrice out of the choices I guess.

  25. no, dont do this to your beautiful daughter. i hope you are kidding. creative, different names are great but halibut? you want to name your daughter after a fish? and diary? like milk and cheese? all of these are absurd!

  26. I'm not into such out-there names myself.  Maybe the baby will turn out to be so, and it'll fit... :)

    I like Love Patrice most out of your original names.  Patricia Love is also nice.  How about Marie Amour?  Mervé Rose (Mervé is a turkish name)?  Aisha... (life in Arabic-pronounced "eye-shah")...?

  27. wow , those names are horrible . yo you need help.

    grow up .  

  28. Are these names for real? I don't like any of them if they are.

  29. You have to be kidding!

    Do you really think we are going to believe that!?

  30. ha ha  ha you are very funny for a 10 years old troll

  31. Congration on your new baby girl! :]

    Diary Passion: I do not like this because it doesn't sounds right for a little girl. Although, Passion is rather nice!

    Love Patrice: I love this. Really, I do. Especially as you can get so many nicknames from this should as ... Patti, LP, Love, Pat etc.

    Halibut Patricia: I do not like this mainly because of the Halibut as it sounds like a fish type. Patricia is very very nice though - Love Patricia, Patricia Passion etc.

    Elfie Rose: I think this is the best one out of the list as I love the way it sounds as well as the way that it flows.

    Nemo Prescott, Momo Stitch: Both of these names remind me too much of cartoons/disney so therefore, I do not really like these names.

    Turkish Marie: Marie is AMAZING. I love Marie - Marie Rose would be very nice I think.

    Shadow Fruit: Very unique so therefore, I do like this one.

    The best names overall,

    Marie Rose

    Elfie Rose

    Love Patrice

    (out of your previous list, I fell in love with this: Maebelle so because use this as a full name of Marie?)

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