
Downloading issues? who is losing money??

by  |  earlier

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I read today that in France(where I live) ...that the downloading of films surpassed cinema tickets sold!. So please tell me if these companies involved in funding films (like sony) would be brave enough to actually disclose their profits from sales of blank recordable compact discs and DVDs ?? .If the companies involved made" no profit" from the billions of "blank" recordable discs/hard drives etc.etc..then I would rest my case! I have fond memories ;of 30 years ago ;recording video and music from copyrighted sources(ie tape to tape,video to video) all on legally- supplied blank audio tapes and "vhs video tapes".Ironic isn't it?... that they over-price their Cd's and DVDs and then expect us to respect their copyright laws,which we download onto their own legal merchandise!!!




  1. i will search and reply you soon exactly

  2. This is one thing that annoys me with this whole internet p****y situation. These companies want us to pay for what we want, e.g. music, films, games etc. The reason people illegally download them is because the prices to buy them legally are ridiculous. Would you rather pay £0.89 for 1 song or get it free in seconds? The companies do not need to view p****y as a nasty evil scheme, they need to come up with something that would sound better than p****y, instead of mouthing off about how detrimental internet p****y is to their profits.

    EDIT: I do not know is this is on the topic of what you discussed, but the point still remains non-the-less

  3. The blank media suppliers are not related to the film makers, there is no money passed between them.

    How can the makers profit on the sale of a CD (a few pence) be equivalent to the makers profit on the sale of a recorded CD.

    You suppose that to rob Peter to pay Paul is OK, because the net effect is zero. If you house was burgled so someone else could pay their debts or fund their drung habit, would this be OK with you, I doubt it.

    Get real, pay for stuff you use.

    If you don't pay, what incentive is there for anyone to make more stuff or offer any form of support.

  4. good point

  5. Hee hee hee hee   sooooo true!!

    Like, I was wondering, if it's so illegal to download the material, why produce and mass market blank recordable equipment!?!?!?! Like, make up your minds lads!

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